Chapter 9

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Kyler's POV

I really didn't mean to listen to what Kelcey had to say but it was once he and Kevin started talking I just heard it. I was so mad and upset at the same time that I didn't think about things like that, all I wanted to do was hurt the people who hurt me. It was a thought that was in my head but the next thing I saw or rather heard was a thought from Kevin. "I can't believe that brother of mine, why would he do such a thing? Doesn't he know that dad is very worried about him right now? And with this stunt he is pulling to actually think that he can go after the Elder Council, like really Kyler?" "But I can't really be that mad at him, I mean if I was in his position I would be too. My friend kept a secret from me, and that secret in the end became a brother. I would really understand him, but why go after the Elder Council?? I just don't get it?" Was that what Kevin really thought about, that I really want to hurt the people around me? That I am really that careless? "Baby, can you hear me? Please love, answer me. I am not mad at you, I never was. Please just come back to me, we need to talk about some things. Kyler, if you go through with this it isn't going to end good love. The Council doesn't take kindly to threats love, please just come back. We can take them on at a later date." "Daddy, I wish it was that simple. I really do, but what I have found out the last time that they were here is not good. They somehow know that I am an Omega with Elder powers. They want me to be with them but they are afraid go after me the normal way. I was just paying attention to his facial features when I heard what he thought. And that had me very worried. They want me because it has never been documented that an Omega had Elder powers. So I really want to ask them who and what my mother was. Daddy you know that I love you, but this is something that I need to do on my own. Kelcey, Kevin, Zeus and Val is somehow on their way to me, I asked him that it must just be him, Kevin and me, but Zeus is going because he is worried about Kevin and Val because she thought the she can talk some sense in me. That won't happen." "I know love, just be careful, I will be waiting for you to come back to me." Huh, why is he acting like this? I can't read his mind like I can do the others. Does daddy have his block up on me.? "Daddy, I need your strenght, please daddy." "No love, this is something you need to do on your own. I understand that now. Just please promise me that you will stay close to Kelcey and Kevin. They know what they are doing." He didn't even give me a chance to answer him back. Why is he doing this?

As I waited for the group to arrive at the place I have chosen, I sensed that there are more than just those 4. It seems that there are about 20 paws running in the ground. Could daddy have asked people to come and help me? No, it is not a scent that I know, it smells more like Kelcey's group. It is his pack that is coming with us, and not my pack. Guess that they really don't want me after all. I thought that they really wanted me to be their Luna, guess that I am the wrong person after all. Daddy will be devastated when he finds that out. I mean that he really want to be with me, but with this stunt that the pack is pulling I don't really think that daddy will have any more chance to leave me. I will leave this pack once I am done with the Elder Council, and trust me, they will pay for what they have ever done to daddy and the entire pack. I mean I have read the accounts on what they did to daddy's pack. They will have to answer to me for that. They think that I am an abomination, something that really shouldn't live. Well, they are dead wrong, they will suffer a slow and painful death. Once I am done with them they would have wished that they never even thought about taking me from daddy and using me to experiment on.

"Are you sure this the place he is to meet us Alpha, I don't see nor smell him anywhere?" "He is here, trust me. I know for a fact that he wouldn't have left without us. He is too prideful to leave. You see something I knew about Kyler was this, since he was born I was always able to sense him, what he does, what he thinks or even what he thinks. But since he fell in love with Alpha Bryan, I haven't been able to read his mind. That is something that either he did on his own or the Alpha caused that to happen." "I see, that seems to happen to me too. I was always able to see into his mind, it was like a picture to me, but now I can't. I think that he is the one that did this, unknowingly. I mean, a lot of people did lie to him, so maybe that was his mental defense kicking in?" "Yeah it must be true." I waited till they decided to leave, but it seemed that they didn't want to leave this place, so I did the only thing I could do, I jumped down from the trees and most of the pack was shocked when they turned around only to see me standing there. "Ah, Kyler, I was wondering when you would show up. You do know that I knew you were around here somewhere right?" "It may be so, but we agreed, only the four of you. And here you bring almost your whole pack, why?" "You have to ask? You are my son Kyler, obviously I wouldn't have come with only Kevin, Zeus and Val. You are out of your damn mind if you think that. I wanted to make sure that if you want to take on the Elder Council that they won't take you while fighting them. You do know that that is what this is going to come down with right?" "Yeah I know. I am just thinking that it is strange that only you and your pack decided to show up, I would have thought that at lease some of Bryan's pack would have joined?" "They wanted Kyler, but I was the one who told him not to." "Why not? I am to be their Luna, they would want me to be protected." "Kyler, dad wanted to come with us, but it seems that mom is pregnant again, so he was confused as to who he must be with. Both of Val's dads wanted to come with too, but with dads attention to mom the Alpha needed both of them."

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