Chapter 7

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Bryan's POV

The minute that Kyler ran out of the room I have been trying to find him, but I haven't been able to. I sent two or three trackers after him but even they couldn't even find him. The sun is about to set and I have no idea as to where he may be, I sent everyone who could get hurt away. I didn't want the woman, kids and Omega's to get hurt. They are too important to us. I will not loose anymore pack members no matter what, this is all my fault, if I haven't pushed him when he wanted to talk to the doc then he would have been in my office now cuddled in the couch almost asleep. "Daddy, please forgive me." Kyler, what is going on? "Baby, can you hear me, where are you? Please just come back to me." I tried a few more times but still I haven't heard from him. Where can he be? I was really starting to get worried, this is the first time that he has been gone for so long, and I really have no idea as to where he can be. Terry and a few of the trackers found his scent and tracked it to a clearing where they also got the scents of Zeus and Kevin. That was when Terry told me that they are probably all together somewhere, but something in Terry's voice had me very worried, this is something that is worrying him too. I was just to messed up to even listen to anything anyone can tell me. "Daddy, please, please, please forgive me. I know that you will always love me, but this is to save Zeus and Kevin, then I will do anything I can do to do that." Kyler, baby what are you talking about. This is so not like you. Baby, please just let me know where you are, can you even hear me? Kyler.........................Kyler, please answer me my love, I just want you back." I know that he couldn't really hear me, someone must have done something so that he couldn't hear me because he will always answer me no matter what.

"Have you ever seen the Alpha look like this? Has anyone seen him like this?" "The last time I have seen him like this, was when Mary died, and that was 16 years ago. It was also the day that Kyler was born, do you think-" "Don't even say that, we all know the connection between the Alpha and Kyler, we all know that they were mates before he showed the pack. I guess he was just waiting for Kyler to be of age before he does anything." "Yeah but he still has 2 years to go, do you think that they may have rushed things?" "No, the Alpha knew what he was doing, he would never hurt Kyler like that, and we all know that he loves that boy beyond anything and anyone, almost as much as he loved Mary." I tried not to listen to the conversation going over my head right now and I know that I am worrying my pack, my family. But with my son and mate gone I can't think about anything. "Bryan, wake up, come on son, you have to be ready when Kyler gets home." The sound of the slap woke me up before the sting did, I looked up at the person who did it only to see that my mother was the one who did it, I think they used her because they all know that I really do not love her as a son should a mother, but still she is my mother. "What, what do you all want?" "Father, mother, daddy, I am so very sorry." "Kyler, please, just tell me where you are, I need you with me." After that, I blacked out.









When I woke up again I saw that it was only 11am, but what day it is, I have no idea, I guess that what happened to me had happened to Kyler too, because I heard him talking to Muse and then to Miles. Really, how the hell did he escape? Getting out of bed I grabbed the closest clothes and pulled them on, after that I ran down the stairs to get to my office, I know that I will get all the answers I need there. Once in my office I opened the feed to the cells, and replayed the feeds from when Miles was taken into custody till he escaped. But the person who helped him was Kevin, why would he do that, and where the hell is he? When Kevin looked up at the camera after Miles walked out, he pointed to a part of wall, I moved the camera on the live feed and what I saw there had me still for a few seconds.

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