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"Bri you alright man? You seemed very anxious today?" "Yeah, I mean no, I have been very restless for the last month, and I have no idea as to why. My wolf is going crazy for some reason-"    'Bryan, I need you in the hospital wing'        "See you all later, my dad needs me."

As I walked down to the hospital wing I keep sniffing this mouthwatering scent of pine and mint, but no idea where this was coming from. As I got closer to the room the scent got even stronger, was my mate in the room, was she hurt? Okay, calm down, I need to calm down. "Mate, mate in there, need to get there" "What is wrong with you?"-     "Mary I need you to stay calm now, Bryan is on his way, he will help you." "Alpha, the baby is going crazy I know I was supposed to give birth in a month but 4 out of 5 months, there has to be something wrong."    "No Mary, but from what you told me and the research I did on the coyote you will start to feel that. The reason I ask Bryan here is because he will take over from me once he turn 18. He will need to know how to help female Omega's when and if they do get pregnant."    "But Alpha, you know that we are not allowed to, and I am sorry for what happened to me. That day I went out I went to look for you but couldn't find you, and the Luna didn't know either. I asked the Beta if he would allow me to go out for a few minutes and he said that he is going to go on his rounds and he will go with me. After a while there was something that drew their attention and he told me to stay where I was. The minute they left a coyote showed up and because I was in my wolf form I was weaker. Before I could do anything he had me pinned down, it wasn't long after that he left because he must have heard the Beta come back. When he saw me he took after the coyote, he told some of the patrol to stay with me. He blames himself for what happened to me, but I don't. I blame myself. If I have just stayed in that day, then none of this would have happened. I have tried to talk to him and explain to him but he doesn't want to talk to me, he feels bad for what happened to me, even his mate is upset. She makes sure that I have everything I may need." "Father, I think Mary's baby is my mate." "Are you sure son?" "Yes father, when I walked down here, I got the scent of pine and mint, the more I walked closer here the stronger the scent became." "Alpha, the baby knows who his mate is before we even did. How is this possible? Unless the coyote is very powerful. Ugh, the pain, it won't go away." "Son, we must deliver the baby now, you will need to help her." I did what my father instructed of me, but I was so scared, who's to say that I won't make a mistake, but with him and Mary telling me I knew I had nothing to fear.

It was 2 hours later that I held the baby in my arms, when I turned to Mary to show her her child, she was starting to breath very slowly, I knew that it was almost time for her to pass on. We don't know why Omega's can't have pups, but now I know why. Their bodies aren't made to have pup's, that is why we take such good care of them. I have seen more than one male couple that has asked one of the Omegas to help them with starting a family. If the Omega agrees to that, she stays with them till the baby arrives. Normally the baby will be named after the Omega that gave birth to them. But this is not going to be the case. "Mary, here is your son. What do you want to name him?" "He is so beautiful," Her breathing became labored each time she tried to speak. "What about Kyler? It was my grandfather's name." "I think that is a good name." "Bryan, will you take good care of my son. Seeing as he is your mate, you two will be more that easier to get along with. Please son, I can't hold on anymore, will you tell him about me?" "Yes Mary, you know I will do that." I looked at her again, but what I saw broke my heart. Mary, the ONLY Omega I actually cared about and that cared about me as person and not a title has passed on. She was the only one that I actually saw as my mother, she was always there for me no matter what. "Dad, what now? The only woman I ever saw as my mother have passed on, how can I look after an infant if I myself are just still a child?" "We can ask one of the other Omega's to help you with that. Or you can ask your mother to help you?" "No, not her. I don't want to seem rude dad, but I will never again ask her to help me with something. I will ask some of my friend to help me move my room so that I will be able to have a crib and all the other things that will be needed to take care of a baby. If they ask questions I will answer them truthfully because I will not lie to them. They deserve the truth, because it is as you said, I WILL be Alpha soon."

After that conversation with my dad, I think that I even scared myself. I mean I have never felt so strongly about anything or anyone. I mean have you seen the baby? I guess not, so let me tell you what he looks like. He has black as night hair; he probably got that from his dad, because Mary had blond hair. He is fair skinned, he got that from Mary because she was always so pale looking, but she was as healthy as anyone you can think off. I can't tell you what his eyes look like now, because he still has to open his eyes. But I can tell you this, I have already fallen for him, and I can't describe this feeling. It feels like I have to protect him no matter what.

It took a few days for my friends and I to get all of the baby things into my room, and I tell you what, all of that baby things took a lot of my bedroom's space away, but it is worth it. He is my baby now, my son, my love, the only person who I know that I will fight with but that I can make it up to him again. I mean I have never been attracted to a boy before, but this is my baby boy, so it feels like I have been attracted to boys in a long time. At one time in my life now, I think that I was more than a few seconds away of actually killing Kyler, but then I stopped. Mary would really kill me if I let anything happen to her baby. Yes it is her baby and she will always be his mother. I have not told my father that I have gone and search for Kyler's biological father and I know that if and when I do tell him, he is not going to like it.

What you are going to see in the next chapter is just a short view of our lives in the time frame of 12 years. I will not say anything more from when he was born a few days ago till he is 4 years old, but from 4 years on till he is 16 is what I am going to show you all. Please bare with me, it was some of my worst and happiest memories between the two of us.

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