Chapter 8

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Kyler's POV

When they took daddy into the hospital wing I waited outside with the rest of our friends and family. I didn't know what was wrong with daddy but I knew that my tears were what actually saved him. He has been in there with the doctor for almost 2 hours now and still no one can tell me what is going on. It is as if they already know but is afraid to tell me. I am so much has happened since Miles was taken away, and I was a bit worried that no one will ever tell me. My best friend lied to me, he has kept a secret from me, how can I even trust him now, and has Val lied to me I have no idea. I looked around at the people and saw that Zeus was with his parents with Kevin sitting with them, Val was with her dads crying a bit, grandpa and grandma was also sitting there with unshed tears. But it seemed that no one was paying attention to me, yeah yeah I know I want all the attention on me. But you see, the only person who would be worried about me is on a hospital bed, and no one seems to even notice this. I looked around again to make sure and that is when I stood up, still no eyes on me. I began to leave the wing we were in and when the door shut behind me, still no one even noticed. The only thought was going to see my father, maybe he can shed some light on what is going on right now.

I went behind the trees behind the hospital and stripped, folded the clothing and then shifted once on four legs I let Muse have the reigns and he took off. I think that both of us wanted this and now that we did we were reveling in it. I made sure that no pack member saw me and I closed the link with the pack and my mate. I mean if nobody in that hospital was going to talk to me then why should I do that now? "Kyler, are you sure about this? I mean we both are grateful that he came to save us and we even got to talk to him, but I still don't feel right about this." "Yes Muse I am, have you seen that no one there was even looking at us, or even asked us if we are alright? They all just huddled together, I don't want to sound conceded or anything but we are the Luna, did they even ask if we were alright? If we needed to talk to someone? No they did not. So we are just going to disappear, just for a little while anyway." "I know, but daddy is hurt in the hospital and we are running away. You know that Waylyn is trying to help heal daddy faster, and it would go quicker if we were there." "Don't you think I know that Muse? I love both of them so much but right now I need some answers, I need to know where he was all of my life, our lives. Muse don't you see that your animal daddy has always been Waylyn because you refuse to see anyone other what Waylyn as that person. Me as the human know that there is two daddies out there, one is Bryan and the other is Kelcey. I need both my human daddies with me. I would like to know who Kelcey really is, what he likes, dislikes. I want to have him in my life Muse. Now that I do know that my biological father is alive and I need to know him. You know that I will always see Bryan and Waylyn as my daddy, but for now just please let me have this." I tried to wait to see if Muse will talk but he didn't I know that he is trying to see things from my point of view, and I knew that when he understood. Not saying that he is agreeing with me, but still he is trying on his part.

I am not sure how long a I ran but I had to make sure that the border patrol don't get wind of what I am doing, because if they do, the will take me back kicking and screaming. I need to sort all of this out and I will not let anyone deter me from that task. When I came to the border line of our pack and no mans land I saw him already standing there. When I tuned my hearing a finer I heard heavy footsteps in my wake, there was a few of them. It sounded like Terry's footsteps, with a few guards, I think Zeus and Kevin was with them, but I didn't want to see them now. Only when I am gone do they notice me, or when I did something bad. Never when I am crying my eyes out or when I feel so upset that I just want to do anything bad to myself. "Kyler, you need to go back, your mate is looking for you. You need to be with him now." "No, what I need at this very moment is for you to answer some of my questions. Where were you all my life? Why did you do that to my mother? Why didn't you ever search for me?" As I kept trying to ask the questions I started to cry, that is when I noticed that I have shifted back, I guess Muse didn't want to talk to Kelcey at the moment. "Oh Kyler, I will answer your questions as you asked them. But first let's sit down here, okay?" I nodded my head and he led us to a big shady tree, once we sat down he pulled me to him and I let him, for once Muse wasn't fighting against me. I leaned onto his embrace and I allowed him to envelop me in his warmth and his smell. "Okay Kyler, for your first and last question as to where I was. I was looking for you, I went back to place I found your mother. I had thought and hoped that she would have taken you there that I could get her scent and yours, but I didn't. I did feel a pain in my chest, but I didn't know that it meant that she had passed away. As for you second question, I really did love your mother. If we had met under different circumstances I would have taken her with me, but your pack came back before I could do that. I knew that she would have followed me if I had time to tell her that she is my mate. I knew that even if I told her and your pack would have allowed her to come with me, someone would have tried to take her away from me." I wanted to ask him some more questions, but before I could we heard footsteps, running at a very fast pace. It seems that my pack finally found out that I was no longer in the hospital.

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