Chapter 3

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I was so scared that he passed out, I didn't know what to do. "Jenna, get here quick, I need you to take a look at Kyler."                 "Yes Alpha, I am on my way."    While I waited for Jenna to show up I looked for anything that may be wrong with my little one, I saw nothing that would tell me. Once she showed up she just stood in the doorway. "What the hell happened in here?" I really wanted to yell at her, but deciding that Kyler is more important now I let it slide. "Nothing to worry yourself about, just check him for anything that shouldn't be there. We stopped it in time." "Yes Alpha." She took all about 30 minutes to do what she needed. The look on her face told me that all is well with my little one, he may be just in shock.

"He is fine Alpha, but what seems strange to me is that he is not like normal wolfs." She looked at me and I shook my head. I know I can trust her because she is one of my friends aside from Terry and Ava. "No, he is not. He is a half wolf and half coyote." "And a Omega at that too, what seems interesting to me is that he is also a submissive?" No use in lying to her. "Yes and yes. He is my son and my mate." "I knew that you were acting strange that day 16 years ago. I am guessing the baby that Mary had is him? You do know that you could have told me this, and not keep it from me." "I know that Jenna, but at the time the only people who knew about him was my dad's Beta, my parents, Valkeyria's dads and your dad. I so wanted to tell you but I thought that you were going to be my mate. I know now that I should have told you." "You do know that he is not the only male Omega being born into this pack. Sure he is only one who will be different but still he is one of us." "What do you mean by that?" "Well my dad told me that there were 2 others that was born as Omega males, one being in my family. He was my grandmothers grandfather and the other one was your grandfather's brother. Records showed that he lived for 2 hours before he died, his body shut down on himself and the doctors didn't understand why. It was only until later that they found out his mate died at the age of 10. They were to be the first male couple in 100 years since the pack was formed." Why didn't I know this. Waylyn should have known or maybe he didn't like me. "You are not the only one who doesn't understand this. We need to do some research before we go on any further with them."              "Yes I agree with you. If we had know it would have saved us all of this drama."      "Bryan, you need to be careful with him." "What are you talking about?" "Because of the fact that Kyler is an Omega and a submissive he stands a very good chance to get pregnant. Now I am not saying he will but the possibility is there. If you do not want him to be, I can give him some shots that will help. For now I gave him a sedative so that he will be calm. Are you going to keep him here or are you going to send for someone?" "No, I will take him with me, I don't think I can trust anyone with my mate right now. I will mark him on his birthday and wait for him to tell me when he is ready to go further in our relationship. But for now I just need my son back. Thank you Jenna and yes I knew that possibility existed that he may be one of those Omega's, I just needed your input to make sure." She nodded her head and left the room to go back to her office on the other side of the pack house.

It felt like forever before I had him showered, dressed and laying on my office couch with a light blanket over him. He was whimpering slightly and I was worrying about that. I know I still had to take care of Miles, but for now my mate and son needed me more. "What am I going to do Waylyn? I am scared that I may push him too far too fast and then he will hate me."                "He is just scared right now, both of them are. I don't know if they wake up which one will be more present, so if it is Muse, will you allow me some time with my pup?"                "Of course I will, I don't want you to suffer without your son, but do know that Muse is mine as well."           "The same goes for Kyler. Bryan we have been the same being for so long, how could you doubt me now?"             "I don't, I am just scared. With the whole Miles thing and the dream he had when he was 8, it makes sense to me know. That coyote may be more powerful than we anticipated. We never caught wind of him after he got to Mary, and I for one am not going to allow that any time soon. No one is getting near our son and mate."         I didn't give Waylyn any time to answer me before I closed the link. I was looking at Kyler the whole time. I guess I wasn't paying any attention when I was talking to Waylyn because Kyler looked at me with a strange face. His eye were a shade of both his and Muse's. "Papa, is everything alright?" I felt Waylyn push through and I didn't put up a fight. "Yes my pup everything is, why do you ask?" "Kyler doesn't understand, and doesn't know why his daddy is so calm." "Trust me pup he is not so calm, he is scared himself. We learned a few things today and we are just trying to process everything." "Like what papa?" "I know you don't keep secrets form Kyler, but can you keep this one, just until after his birthday?" "Yes papa, but I don't like it." Neither did I. "Muse, what I learned today is that Kyler stands a chance to become pregnant when we mate. I want this to be a secret until I tell him, but he deserve the right to know. If you will help me, I will mark Kyler like he asked me, but I will have to tell him after his birthday. Can you keep it away from him for 2 days?" "Yes daddy, but I know he won't like it." "I know baby, I know. Do you think you can give Kyler to me or is he still scared?" "I can, but he won't let me. He knows you are mad about what we did since we were 12, and he is afraid of the punishment that we will receive. He know we did wrong, but he doesn't want to get punished for it." "I know he is, but I will have to. How about I make you a deal, you force Kyler to face me and I will give you a week with your papa?"     "What are you doing?"           "Keeping a promise I made earlier to Muse. He wants to spend time with you and this is only way I can punish Kyler without him actually figuring out it is a punishment. You saw how clingy he is to me, and to keep him away from me for a week is a hard punishment for him."

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