Chapter Three: Forget Me At Vegas

Start from the beginning

Damn it all to hell.

You think a girl would love you back, but no. She has to get married to the first asshole she sees in college. I should have been that first asshole. I was that first asshole.

"Get outta the way you drunk!" a splash against my chest and I felt the chilly contents drip down. "Oh dear," a voice behind me giggled, "that can't have felt great."

"No m'am, it didn't." I sighed as I swiped down my shirt. For fuck's sake I was covered in a mixed berry smoothie. Who the hell drinks a mixed berry smoothie at this hour?!

"Here, lemme help. I'll feel like a jerk if I don't." Turning my head to the side, I finally saw her. Hair that looked bluer than black shined high on her shoulders and almost to her hips. Then there was those beautiful pair of big, wide grey eyes that stared at me hopefully.

"Thanks." I found myself saying distractedly.

She smiled, plump lips twisting in a way that held my attention. Lord, she was beautiful. Wait...what the hell was I thinking? It's all this alcohol, messing up the way I'm thinkin'. She handed me a few tissues but I turned away from her in anger. What the hell? Why am I thinking about her? Why am I even acting this way towards her?

I think I had too much to drink.

"It's dangerous to be out here. There are perverts on the streets, y'know." I scolded her. What's wrong with this girl? No woman in their right mind would be out here walking alone near a dark alley.

"I also happen to have mace and can kick an ass or two if I have to." She retorted, shifting around me to wipe the fruity mess. I decided to stay still and let her wipe me down, enjoying the way her head bobbed down. Wait no, what the fuck am I thinking?!

"That's enough." I said to her roughly. The girl didn't know what she was doing to me. The mess she was wiping was dangerously close to my manhood. My shirt was now sticking to my skin in a way that had me cringing.

"Fine, whatever. Not like I was trying to help you or anything." The girl snapped at me, chucking the wet tissues into a bin. Clutching her jacket tighter, she angrily walked away from me.

"Wait," I winced. Damn it, why do I feel bad? "I'm mighty sorry." She stopped and turned around slowly, trying to hide her giggles. My face turned red. Did I say something stupid? I look pretty stupid.

"Did you just say 'mighty sorry'?" I nodded, perplexed. "Not much boys talk like that anymore." She smiled a little.

"Men," I corrected her. I was no little immature boy. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" I asked her curiously. She didn't look the Vegas type. For one thing, she still had her top on.

"I, ah... am just visiting. Well, more like road trippin'." She said quietly, shivering from the real cold breeze. A muscle in my mouth jumped; for some reason I didn't like seeing her all frozen up.

What the hell is goin' on with me?!

"Do you have a jacket or something?"

"Yeah it's in my Tardis." she said distractedly, glancing around. Her eyes observed the noisy street and a raindrop splattered in her left eye, making her wince. Stepping forward, I shrugged out of my jacket and threw it at her.

"Thanks," she glared as she caught it.Lips twitching she threw my warm jacket back at me and shook her head. "But no thanks."

"Why?" I asked her. "It's cold and gonna rain. Warm jacket, nice lookin' stranger. Good scene for a unforgettable night."

"Ha ha." Throwing me another dirty look, she walked on. Fighting back a smile I kept pace with her. "What's your name, darlin'?"

Her feet stamped against the pavement like an angry giant's. Even her breaths sounded angry. "It's fuck off asshole."

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