"So how long do we have to wait?" Sprx asked Tilamat.

Tilamat looked over at a machine nearby.

"Umm that's gonna depend, but hopefully before the forty eight hour mark." Tilamat said.

Mandarin turned to the others.

"Otherwise she's going to eat right through me." He said with a shit eating grin.

Everyone froze.

"You...you can't be serious." Amanda asked, feeling sick.

Tilamat shrugged.

"It's rare nowadays but it has happened."

They searched the two's faces just in case they were pulling some sick trick on them, but their expressions showed that they were completely serious. Suddenly the idea of this baby being an alien was finally starting to sink in.

"Jeez that's terrifying." Nova wheezed.

"Yeah how do you think I felt when I was told that?!" Mandarin huffed before grimacing in pain.

"Lazuli please for the love of all that's holy don't eat out of your mama." Chiro begged, looking at Mandarin's stomach.

"I won't let her!"

Tilamat sighed.

"I've let the Ama family know and they'll be here tomorrow morning. Hopefully it won't be right in the middle of surgery." He said.

Otto gulped a bit before turning to Mandarin.

"You're gonna be ok?" He asked.

Mandarin sighed.

"Otto I've been through worse, I'll be fine." He said.

Otto kissed him and nuzzled him.

"You better, you butt."

Willow smiled a bit before realizing that Antauri sat next to her.

"So what do we do now?" She asked him.

Antauri tilted his head, thinking.

"Well we're going to the tomb to find Diamanda, and then we'll have to track the ship Sage and Mandarin 2 were on-"

"No I know that, I meant with us." She huffed.

Antauri blinked before realizing.

"Oh! Well..." He turned to the others, where Mandarin growled at Sprx when he suggested to do those breathing exercises.

"I guess we start with a few dates...umm...what else do couples do?" Antauri asked.

Willow snickered.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out." Willow said, holding his hand.

Antauri nodded and held her hand back.

Chiro turned to Sprx, Nova, and Amanda.

"Let's go find Diamanda and bring her back here." He said.

The three nodded as they left the room.

"We'll be back!" Amanda chirped.

Mandarin sighed before grimacing again, a contraction hitting him hard.

"This is going to be fun." He huffed.

Gibson turned to the TV screen that was placed in the room.

"Is there any way we can watch the selection ceremony?" Arwen asked.

"Yes just let me get it to the right station." Gibson said as Otto hopped off the bed to go help him.

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