Chapter 24

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Ooooh we're getting to my favorite half of the fic. Why? Well it contains some of my favorite chapters and moments...I'll explain when they come up. Enjoy!


As the next few weeks came in, Brittany was becoming impatient. She was supposed to be here for a little while and then go to an audition that was in two weeks. She didn't have much time left and she really wanted to talk to Willow about her origins. But Arwen was getting cold feet and this began to annoy her.

"You have to tell her." She huffed one day.

Arwen sighed and set her brush down.

"I know, believe me I know. I just...I just am not ready to crash the world she knew." She sighed.

Brittany pointed outside, where the robot stood.

"I can get Mandarin to tell her, if you want." She said.

Arwen shook her head and stood up.

"No no that's fine. I'm sorry, I know how badly this audition means to you." She said.

Brittany stepped back as she stood up.

"So when are we gonna tell her then?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Arwen thought on it.

"Perhaps tomorrow? That's my off day and I'll feel less tired then." She said.

Brittany paused but sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Ok fine, I guess we could go with that. You owe me though." She huffed.

Arwen laughed before grabbing her bag, ready for work.

"See you." She said as the two left the house.

Brittany sighed as they parted ways, she may be a sueronian but she is the master of procrastination. Having nothing else to do, she decided to go over to the robot to hang around for a bit. She was surprised to see the place nearly empty, maybe they've gone out for a while?

She looked around for a bit until she went up to the command center and was greeted by loud voices.

"Mandarin! Go out with mee!" Otto cheered, holding onto him.

Mandarin tried to edge away so he could have some room, but Otto clung to him.

"Otto hold on a minute! I already said yes!" Mandarin laughed.

"Then where do ya wanna go?!" Otto said in the same cheering tone.

"I don't know yet, let me think!" Mandarin said as Otto clung to him.

Brittany blinked at the two before her eyes fell on Antauri, who was looking at the long range scanner.

She walked over to him and looked up at the screen.

"So what are you up to?" She asked.

Antauri looked at her before looking back at the screen.

"I was searching for signs of Sage or Mandarin 2...but so far nothing." He sighed, sounding slightly defeated.

Brittany smiled a bit and looked at the screen.

"Don't worry, we'll find them. Hopefully before anymore mess happens." She said.

Antauri nodded as Otto pounced onto Mandarin's chest and began nuzzling him.

"I hope so..."

Brittany looked around.

"Where is Willow and the others? It's almost noon."

"Willow wasn't feeling good so she's laying down for a bit. Everyone else is kinda doing their own thing." Otto chirped before going back to nuzzling and giving Mandarin's face kisses.

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