Chapter 31

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Good morning everyone (well it's 11:26 where I am and it's almost class time) I'm gonna be as quick as possible to put up the next chapter of On a doorstep  fic and work on the sequel of this one. The new fic will most likely be shorter than this one but Idk. Please enjoy the practicing and Mandarin needs to chill 2: Electric boogaloo.


Brittany paced back and forth in front of Trent. Along with the others, they were in the training room getting ready to watch the two practice thanks to the virtual reality settings. This is so they could practice several songs in different concert settings.

Willow sneaked in and peeked behind Mandarin, who looked back at her in confusion.

"Alright Trent! Don't think that just because you got in means things are gonna be easy for you. The concert auditions are going to be a living hell if you aren't prepared for them." Brittany said.

Trent nodded, determined as hell.

"I got the setlist for their concert and needless to say we have a lot to cover. We're going to tackle one of the more easier songs to learn before we finally move onto River." Brittany explained.

Trent sighed in relief. That's good because River has the hardest choreography to do. Brittany looked over at Gibson, who nodded and pushes a few buttons on the control panel. The room changed into a concert hall with many people both onstage and off stage. Trent and Brittany hopped onto the stage while the others took the seats.

"Okay the first song we're going to cover is Diamond Shout. You'll take Ami's position for the time being."

Trent nodded and ran to one side of the stage. Ami disappeared and Trent stood in her place. Brittany looked over at Gibson.

"Can you slow down the song a bit for him? Just so he can get the dance moves down better."

Gibson nodded and turned a dial ever so slightly. The song began and Trent followed along with the other dancers.

"Trent! Remember to be on point!" Brittany called out.

She received a nod and he attempted to stay in line with the other members.

"Love you so, I need you so, I swear I'll never let you go!" The chorus rang as Willow watched on.

Trent nearly stumbled a few times but he quickly picked himself back up. She thought back to what Antauri was talking about earlier, about how he wouldn't give up years of friendship. The nervous thought was still there but seeing Trent up there, being his usual self, sort of eased her worries.

The song soon finished and Trent collapsed, out of breath. He heard the others cheer for him as he stared at the floor.

He then saw two sneakers in front of him and he looked up at Brittany. She kneeled down to him, looking at him straight in the face. There was a deafening silence before she spoke.

"You're not that bad, but you so have some work that needs to be done." She said.

Trent stared blankly at her, surprised by her comment. He stumbled so many times though!

"Don't worry so much about your stumbling, you've just started." She said, causing Trent to jump a bit.

"A-alright." He said as the two got up.

Brittany smiled before turning to Gibson.

"Gibson! Turn to the song, 'An Excuse, Maybe!'" She said, causing Trent to clam up.

Willow sighed as the others watched in anticipation. This was going to be fun.


An Excuse MaybeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora