Chapter 5

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Ok so uh the mpreg...yeah this is the part where it comes into play. So long story short, I had a really weird dream with a cool storyline that invovled aliens and a pregnant Mandarin. I tried to keep it as far away from me as possible but...this storyline with impregnating aliens just got to me and mutated into it's own thing. And a pregnant Mandarin is actually really funny and cute. So uh enjoy?


They left Eluxis soon after and after a few days, Mandarin wanted to get off the robot as quickly as he entered it. He hated it, he hated being around the others, he hated waking up in the robot every day, and he hated that annoying little hairless monkey. However, he really began to detest that Willow chick. Her attitude just rubbed him the wrong way and he avoided everyone like the plague. Mandarin didn't really hate Otto...infact he never really did that much, but he still avoided him anyway. For now the team was letting him stay in the storage rooms that the robot had. They had to buy a massive mattress for Mandarin to sleep on and Otto gave up some of his pillows for him. That and keeping his pregnancy a secret became very difficult very quickly.

"Mandarin? Are you feeling alright? You've been throwin up for the past three days." Otto said worriedly as Mandarin stepped out of the bathroom.

Mandarin huffed as he wiped the remainder of his breakfast off of the corner of his mouth.

"It's a virus Otto. It'll go away." He lied.

There was no way he's telling them about this. If he told them he was pregnant they'd want him to stay with them even more. That and the amount of jokes Sprx would make would be rage inducing.

Otto frowned a bit before patting his leg.

"Get better soon then, ok?" He said sweetly before walking off.

Mandarin sighed and began to walk back to his storage room when he bumped into Willow. Willow frowned.

"Careful." She sighed.

Mandarin huffed.

"You saw me, you could have walked around me."

Willow glared at him. Was this jerk for real?! She just turned a corner and happened to bump into him!

"Excuse me for not happening to see gigantor this time. I'll look for your bra straps next time." Willow snapped, really not in the mood.

Mandarin glared.

"And I'll look for your white foundation and gothic attire." He huffed.

Okay he really doesn't mind the gothic clothing, in fact he finds the style rather interesting, but if this little bitch was going to insult him he will snap back. Antauri and Jinmay noticed the argument and were ready to intervene.

"Asshole, I don't even wear that pasty stuff!" Willow yelled.

"Really? Could have fooled me from how pale you are."

Willow growled, her aura a piercing red. Antauri and Jinmay quickly went over to the two.

"Alright break it up you two!" Jinmay huffed, getting in between them.

Mandarin and Willow looked at her before looking away. Antauri looked towards Mandarin.

"I get that you don't want to be here, but don't take it out on others." He said.

Mandarin's eyes widened, they're defending her?! Okay, he was acting like a jerk he'll admit it. However she was acting just as bad!

"She was just as at fault-!" He began but stopped as he felt his stomach twist and he quickly placed a hand over his mouth.

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