Chapter 15

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Happy new year! This is another update, this time with feels! Yaaaaay! Anywho please enjoy.


Yet another peaceful month has passed and the weather was starting to get colder. Fall really was beginning to set in it seemed. The underground base was coming along nicely, now with three rooms, the nursery, one bedroom, and a large bathroom. However the search for Skelemandarin was growing hard as formless began to scatter the jungle, attacking anyone who comes near it. What the Hyperforce learned was that the formless didn't seem to want to go to the city and attack it, but rather would protect the jungle zone.

No doubt it, Skelemandarin was in there somewhere. He didn't seem to be doing anything yet, but they know he will be coming soon.

Mandarin tried to sneak into Gibson's lab every so often to look over the blood samples, but he would be caught halfway through getting there or was distracted by everything else. This was getting irritating, that and having to deal with the 'fun' parts of being pregnant was really starting to piss him off.

Sprx yawned as he walked into the kitchen.

"Wow I didn't sleep that good last night, I must've gotten like six hours of sleep or something." He sighed.

Everyone tensed up as Mandarin turned to him, dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh really? Because I haven't gotten any sleep. For the past few days!" He growled, nearly bending the table because of his grip.

Sprx put his hands up.

"L-look I didn't mean anything by that I was ju-just saying!" He laughed nervously.

"Do you know what it's like to have something banging against your abdomen each night and then having to go the bathroom seven times a night and feeling like someone made you swallow a bolder and now it's sitting on your intestines?" Mandarin asked.

Sprx shook.

"I-I mean-"

"No? Then you don't get to complain about losing sleep." He snarled.

Sprx shook, forehead sweating.

He edged to the table before laying his head down.

"Don't put your head down." Mandarin sighed, causing Sprx to immediately raise his head back up.

Otto then scooted over to Mandarin and snuggled him. Whenever something like this happened, he would usually go over and snuggle with him to calm him down.

Otto's then crawled up on him.

"Otto no, Otto no I'm angry!" Mandarin protested but Otto was already snuggled up with him and nuzzled his head.

"Are you angry now?" Otto asked.

Mandarin paused then side glanced him, his eyes softening.

"Hush." He huffed, causing Otto to snicker.

Everyone sighed. Leave it to Otto to save the day.

Afterwards Mandarin trudged to his room to try to get some sleep before he fell apart, however he found Trent on his bed. He had his knees to his chest and he was staring at the blankets.

"Why are you on my bed?" He questioned.

Trent looked up at him.

"O-oh I'm sorry I didn't think you'd be back so quick." He said.

Mandarin yawned.

"You didn't come to breakfast either." He pointed out.

Trent laughed nervously.

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