Chapter 16

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We continue the feels in this chapter! And the Manotto too.


Mandarin wasn't in the storage room, which caused Otto to panic a bit while he ran down to the unfinished base.

He looked through the unfinished living room and bathroom before looking into the finished room. Mandarin had his back to him, sitting on a larger bed.

Otto could have sworn he saw his shoulders shake slightly but he crept into the room and sat on the bed anyway.


Mandarin didn't respond.

Otto looked down.

"I didn't know you were this upset about it." He said.

Mandarin turned to him and Otto was surprised that there were actual tears streaking down his face.

"What?! You had no idea?! This is like my entire outcome!" Mandarin said motioning himself.

"You want to pretend that you did nothing wrong, that I could just be thrown away like a broken toy, that helping me was a big mistake!" He exclaimed, the tears running down faster.

Otto moved closer to him.

"No, no Mandarin. None of that's true!" Otto exclaimed.

"Then why didn't you...?" Mandarin held back a sob and looked away.

Otto clung to him, his head against his stomach.

"I tried to talk to them you know, about trying again. But we thought...we didn't know there was still a chance for" Otto's lip trembled.

"I'm sorry."

Mandarin looked up and back at him.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to turn you good again, I'm sorry we gave up on you. I'm so sorry." Otto shuddered.

Mandarin blinked.

"I tried to convince them but..." Otto nuzzled him.

"Otto I- I was never extremely mad at you I mean I figured you tried to but..." Mandarin bit his lip.

"I know...but still you can't get mad at us for trying. We tried...we really did and we didn't know there was still a chance to save you. If we knew we'd jump right at the opportunity to get you back. Because we care and love you so much." Otto said.

Mandarin was silent, letting Otto talk.

"But now look, you're back! Even though it was due to...Skeleton King it's still so good to have you back. The real you I mean." Otto sniffled.

Mandarin froze as Otto snuggled him more.

"You're gonna have to talk to the others, uh a bit more calmly this time, and really tell them how you feel. Also try to understand where they're coming from." Otto said.

Mandarin laughed a bit, wiping his wet eyes.

"When did you get so smart?"

Otto snickered before Mandarin thought about it.

"...I'll try, I'll try to." He sighed.

Otto smiled and nuzzled him.


Otto kept resting his head against Mandarin's stomach.

"You know I never saw you cry before." Otto pointed out.

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