Titan Brawl

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"Renzo! Christa! Hold on!" It was Mikasa.

It was too late... I already decided my decision.

Reiner swing his arm at the soldiers, but missed. Mikasa stabbed Ymir in the eye, trying to blind her sight.

"Mikasa! No!" I yelled. Mikasa stopped and looked at me confused.

"I'm trying to save you." She said. I put my head down, ashamed.

"I-I'm not leaving." I said. Her eyes widened, wondering why.

"It's A-Annie! She's out there. If I go with them, I can see her again! Isn't that what you wanted,to see me happy?"

Jean came next to Mikasa, and joined the conversation.

"Y-you're crazy. You'll be considered a traitor,even Christa!" I shooked my head.

"I don't know what to say." Mikasa was about to say something, until Reiner swing at them.

"Watch out!" I yelled.

"Renzo, please come back! We need you!" Connie, my best friend, trying to get me outta this.

"Why?! SO, YOU CAN WATCH ME SUFFER!" I yelled, causing people to fall back.

"I-I... Annie. Annie! I miss her." I started to let my tears fall.

"A-Annie..." They looked at me with such pity.

"Bertholdt. You bastard!" Mikasa yelled, as she swinged her blade at him, but Reiner shielded him.

Armin came up to me.

"Renzo! Listen to me, you're doing the wrong thing!"

'How do you know, Armin!? Huh?" I snapped back.

"Bertholdt,Ymir, and Reiner are lying. Annie...she's not going to be there." My eyes widened.


"Shut up." I murmured.

Armin made a sad expression.

"I'm sorry...Renzo. Right now, she's at the utopia, she's being...tortured."

I looked back at Bertholdt and Ymir with a anger face.

"You bastards! You lied to me, just to go with you."

Why would they lie about my Annie like that?

"You're not warriors. You're criminals. Liars!" I looked back at Armin.

"Get back." I said with a dead panned tone. He hesitated, but went back.

I squirmed out of Ymir's hand, and took out my own. I grabbed a set of blade from my gear, and stabbed her hand, causing her to let go of me.

I used my gear, and joined Mikasa on trying to get Eren.

"Mikasa. I have an idea. I think in order to get Eren, we have to get Ymir."

Mikasa had such a evil look. "That is was I just thinking."

Mikasa cut Ymir's hand off, loosing the grip of Christa. As I watch her fall, Connie catches her.

Thank goodness. I looked at the front of me, and saw a horde of Titans.

What was Erwin planning to do?

Titans clinged on Reiner, trying to eat him.

A Titan striked at me, but I dodged, and went behind its neck.

"Fucker like you need to die!" I yelled, as I defeat the Titan.

More were coming.

Bertholdt made his way out, and pushed me roughly aside.

Shit. He was escaping. Suddenly, Erwin stroked him with his blade, and took Eren.

I gasped when I saw his arm...gone.

I went back with the retreating group. Christa was in the middle of a Titan horde.

I gasped,and went to go save her, but my surprised she killed them all herself.

She came at me, and said,"Surprised?" I smiled, and we saddled on our horses.

We were making our way to the open out field. Christa and I were behind the group.

We looked back, finding crazy Titans chasing us.

"This is going to be one bloody fight." I said to myself.

Two were up ahead of us.

"Christa!" I yelled. A Titan pushed her horse, making Christa fall off of it.

Her gear was removed, due to the fall.

I grabbed new set of blades,and attack the two Titans who hurt her.

I fell softly in the ground, and ran to Christa.

"Christa! Christa! Answer me, please!" She bashed her head. I carried her bridal style, and used my gear to get with the others.

Each group were surrounded by Titans. Titans everywhere.

I saw Armin and Jean surrounded by a horde, so I had to save them!

Suddenly, a creepy, angry Titan pulled my string, pulling me back

"Shit!" I cussed to myself, and pulled Christa into a embrace, and took the damage of the fall.

I fell against a tree with Christa in my arms. My gear has gotten removed as well.

I tried to stand up, but instead I let out a pierce scream. I felt the pain, as my bones made a crunching sound. I couldn't get up, so I fell back against the tree.

I couldn't move.

That angry Titan approached me and Christa.

I held her tight. If that monster wants her, it had to go through me first!

"C'mon, you bastard! Come at me!" Its hand extended and approached us.

I took out a blade, and raised it at the monster.

I lightly kissed Christa against the cheek, and gently laid her on the ground.

I used my strength to get up in a standing pose.

I let out another pain scream, and waited for my time to come.

I closed my eyes, and said,"I'm sorry."

I waited...

Nothing happened.

I opened my eyes, and saw all of the Titans leaving.

I looked around, and so were many confused.

"What the hell is going on?"

I bend down, and felt Christa's heart beat.


It was slow,but I could badly hear it.

"Help! Anybody!" I pulled Christa into a hug, and screamed once again.

"H-Help us."

Was there no hope for anyone?


A group of people came.

It was Rico and the others.


She came, and helped me out Christa into a carriage.

"She'll be fine. We need to take her to the infirmary."

I smiled to her.

My vision became blurry. One tear came out of my eye.

I clenched in my blood wound, and said softly,

"Thank you." I closed my eyes and fell to the ground.


Is Renzo dead or not?

Find out in next chap.

Comment about my story, to get the next chap right away!

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