Monster in disguise

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I hide between the dark alley, waiting for Annie to pass by. I recognized the blonde.

"Psst. Annie! Over here." She stopped in her tracks, and went in front of the alley. I took off my scouting legion hood off, showing her that it was me.

Her eyes widened, and ran to me. I wrapped my arms around her, showing her the affection and how much I missed her.

"Why are you here?" She asked making my heart break into little pieces.

"Don't you miss me?" I said looking down with a sad smile, trying not to show how sad I was. She placed finger under my chin, trying to make me meet her gaze.

She gasped lightly when she saw tears slowly coming out of my eyes.

She leaned close, and pulled me in the kiss. My eyes widened, but slowly closed.

The kiss was slow, yet passionate. I felt so loved. I cried softly in the kiss. She pulled me in a hug tightly, placing her head against my chest.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Because I missed you, Annie."

Annie's POV

"Is that so?" I bluntly said.

He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me close.

"Don't be fuckin stupid." He muttered. "Why can't you let me love you? I-I really do love you, Annie."

When he said those words, it made my heart skip a beat. I felt heat across my face, but I tried to wave it away.

I was suprised, when he grabbed into my jacket, and kissed me forcefully. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

"I do, too. Sorry, I never thought anyone would see me so special to them."

He gave me a sad smile.

"You're very special, Annie. I'm sure anyone would want you."

He leaned closer to, and whispered in my ear.

"You could get any guy in the world, but... You chose me. I'm grateful for that."

I tugged my bangs, and pushed it back. "I love you too, Renzo." I bluntly said, masking my bashful emotion.

He looked confused when I said that, and then he gave me a smirk.

I guess he'd never thought I would say that to him.

"Well, I reckon you didn't just come here to see me, considering the backpack and all." I said.

"I came to ask you if you could do a favor for me and the others. We can't let Eren be sent to the military police, you have to help us hide him!"

I clenched on my rifle, showing him that I had to get back to work.

"And you think that's a good idea?"

He let out a irritated groan. "Annie, please. Don't let them take our friend away. Do you really want to see him get dissected?" Renzo said with a worried tone.

I sigh, and placed my gun down. I grabbed the ring outta my pocket, and placed it in my ring finger.

"Your wish is my command... Renzo."

Renzo's POV:

We walked into the tunnel, along with Eren and the others.

"Do you think They'll recognize Jean in that Eren outfit?" I said, adding a nervous chuckle.

"Well, I don't have a horse face. So-"

"We're here." Annie said. We all went inside the tunnel, except for Annie.

"Annie! Hurry up!" I yelled. She just stood right in front of us. Mikasa suddenly pushed us back.

"I can't. I'm scared of the dark." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't be stupid c'mon!" Eren said, continuing to walk down the stairs.

"Annie, please. We're going to get caught!" Armin added, following behind. Mikasa stared deadly right at Annie, pushing me right behind her.

"I can't." She said once again.

"Annie, PLEASE! Just get in here... NOW!" I yelled. She couldn't be. She just couldn't.

"When did you start looking at me like that, Renzo?" I felt pain in my chest.

I had to prove to them that she isn't.

"Annie. Stop saying shit, and follow us." I said.

"Why? So you could capture me? I thought you loved me, Renzo!" She yelled, full with sorrow.

I was at standing right in front of someone that I didn't even knew anymore.

"Annie, we can talk about this!" Armin said.

"Well, it's my turn taking my bet." Annie said with a wicked grin. It shocked me.

She wasn't the beautiful angel I knew before.

"Renzo! I thought... I thought you loved me!!!!" She yelled. I covered my ears, trying to fight back fresh new tears.

Mikasa took out her blade, and approached her a bit closer.

"I had enough hearing this shit! You hurt Eren. You hurt Renzo. Now, it's time to die... Female Titan." She said bluntly.

Annie hunged her head down, and started laughing.

We all stared her shock.

She wasn't the angel I knew anymore. The Annie I have fallen in love with.

She became a monster. A monster in disguise.

Eren took out a flare gun, and shot it outside.

It was a trap! Citizens tied Annie up.

I couldn't accept this. I ran up to her, trying to save her, but Mikasa pulled me away.

"I'm sorry, Renzo."

A light of thunder came from the sky. Annie turning into a Titan.

No, the Female Titan.

"Do you believe us now?"

Wolfram (Attack on Titan fanfiction )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt