"Luna Addison-" "oh please just call me Addison, I hope we can become good friends and good friends don't call each other with such formalities"

Woah, where did that come from? I actually talked to him like a Luna would a beta, not like a little girl talking to her superior. You go Addison for sounding so, Luna like.

"Of course umm Addison" he gave me a smile and I smiled back. "Oh but just so you know, so your not upset or anything, I will call you Luna when appropriate?"

He asked more in a questioning tone " of course" I said staring out the car at the trees that pasted in blurs.

Soon enough we came along to a huge house, it was beautiful. But I mean did I mention it was huge? It was so big, there was someone at the huge front doors greeting people and holding the door open as they walked in.

As I was starring at the house I didn't realize that Victor parked the car and walked over to open my door. He held out his hand and I smiled "thank you Victor"

"No problem, uhh errr addison" I laughed and motioned for him to come into the huge house. We walked the distance in a comfortable silence until I spoke.

"So is this the pack house?"
"No actually this is the meeting hall which includes a ball room. I think you will see the pack house tomorrow for brunch before we leave"

I giggled and he looked at me with confusion, "um oh it's just funny to think a bunch of alphas and betas sitting around eating brunch together" I explained.

He chuckled in realization "when you put it that way" we lightly laughed. "But actually only a few alpacas where invited tomorrow some closer to the alpha Throwing  the party. Actually I think you went to get ready with the mates of the alphas that will attend tomorrow." I nodded in understanding.

The man at the front door opened the door for us but walked in front of the door with his arms crossed. "State rank and pack names, along with your Pack mark"

    Victor stood up a little taller and looked straight ahead "Second command, beta of the Blood Moon pack".

     Victor lifted his sleeve of his suit to show a little tattoo I've never noticed on his wrist. It was of a detailed moon with the letter B in the middle of it, it was beautiful. I totally forgot about the marks, whatever pack you belong to you get engraved with a mark like tattoo somewhere on your body. My last mark was on my ankle but it disappeared as I slowly cut all my ties my old cruel pack.

  The man who still had his arms crossed looked at me ready for my response.

      I stood up straighter and looked the man right in the eyes " Mate of alpha Asher, Luna of Blood Moon pack." As soon as I said my rank his eyes shifted off to the side a little, not looking directly at me. I have yet to get engraved with the pack symbol because I haven't been blood accepted.

    That's another thing, different packs have different ways to join the bond of wolf and the pack. Since Me and Asher's pack was the blood moon it's mandatory to get blood excepted with the alpha before fulling becoming a member of the pack and getting engraved with the packs mark.

   Before I even started to explain why I didn't have a pack mark he stepped aside.

   He bowed "enjoy your night Luna" he looked up at my briefly and I nodded my head in thanks and he did the same but a slightly shorter bow to Victor.

     Me and Victor walked into the beautiful ball room that was a off white color. There where decorations that complement the huge chandeliers that hung from the ceilings. They dazzled with a billion crystals it looked like a ball for royals.

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