Finding Out

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Warning a bit emotional chapter
                     Rose's P.O.V
Seth has been staring at me a bit too much and I'm starting to wonder if its because of how bad I look or my size. He noticed I'm getting a bit uncomfortable so he looked at a different direction Joe came by and started to talk to me about his life. Joe is 24 years old he has two kids with his high school sweetheart hes really trying to make it to wrestling for the support of his kids and future wife. 

I looked at him in awe I've never seen no man smile so much when talking about someone they like. Joe seems like a great guy with a great heart its so sweet how he loves his family."You should really come to one of our cookouts you know Latino cookouts get lit" I was laughing at his choice of words by lit he means lots of dancing and drinking, eating. "Yeah just let me know when and I'll come" he looked really happy "my girl would love you plus you need some meat in you girl" I smacked his arm playfully Seth cleared his throat "stop planning dates and workout Joe" he spat angrily.

What is Seth's problem? He seems as if he's on his man period. Talk about rude I never do anything to Seth and every time I'm always the mistake and I end getting him mad. After practice I'm going to ask him why he hates me so much its starting to really hurt me Seth is a nice guy I see it I see good in him but not with me. The workouts keep getting harder and harder my skin is crying and dripping fat Marek told me to gain weigh but now I weigh about 110. Marek,Matt have been questioning what I eat or if I eat why can't they let me be? Its not like if they care about me.

Practice consisted of Nick trying to talk to me learning new moves and talking about our very first independent live show which I'm happy about and nervous as hell. Everyone left early but I decided to stay to talk to Seth it was 11 at night my aunt is going to flip shit I'm usually never home this late. Yes I know I'm 18 years old but I respect her curfew rules so I texted her saying I'm still in the wrestling academy.

Tired of waiting for Seth I walked in the guys locker room its not like if anyone is here but me and Seth plus im not a stalker. When I walked in I gulped its really hot in here especially when you have Seth shirtless concentrate Rose!. "Seth" he jumped back "Seth why do you hate me? Is it because I'm not skinny? or pretty? Joe was just talking about his kids and girlfriend I didn't mean to upset you" by this time my eyes got watery. I'm tired of being a mistake ,Seth is just looking at me this is a horrible mistake I should of known I turned my heel and was about to leave when his hand grabbed my wrist causing me to flinch.

That's where I cut he immediately lifted my long sleeve sweatshirt and looked at me deep in my eyes "why?" Is all that came out of him. He took off my sweatshirt all I was wearing was sports bra under my sweater fuck he saw my cuts. His eyes were full of sadness and pity "why my beautiful Rose?" I laughed in his face "beautiful? Says the person who calls me horrible things dont you get it Seth? I'm a mess I'm ugly,fat a mistake" his eyes turned black as soon as those words left my mouth. Its true I'm a mistake my parents never loved me or cared for me. I was caught completely off guard when he picked me up by my legs and led me to the sink "I'm cleaning those cuts" he was talking about the newly ones on my shoulder. He got the first aid kit my skin burned with the rubbing alcohol I cried in pain.

When Seth was done he placed his shirt over my head and then my sweater "stay the night at my place" he whispered I nodded and followed him to his car "uh my car" "dont worry leave it nothing wont happened" so I did. Seth led me to his apartment he still has his arms wrapped around me "umm the bathroom is on the right shower if you would like I'll bring you clothes" I did as I was told I really did need that shower showers help me feel more calm. After the 20 minute shower there was a pair of boxers, shirt and sweatpants I lookes ridiculous in Seth's clothes they fit me way too big. I took off the sweatpants because the shirt already went down to my knees.

Seth was waiting for me in the living room he immediately hugged me "this is my fault Rose your beautiful, please I'm sorry" I hugged him back tighter "its not your fault its mine I believe everything people say to me I know its all true no one likes me Seth". The next thing I felt was my body being lifted from the ground my legs around Seth's waist and heavy breathing coming from him.

It only took a second for his lips to reach mine we moved in sync I had no idea what to do I never kissed a guy. His lips were so soft and delicate this is so wrong hes my trainer his lips spoke words that held pain and sadness. He softly layed me on his bed immediately he got off of me and wrapped his arms around me "cuddle with me sweetheart I secretly like you thats why I hate that I like you because at the end you wont be mine" he murmured in my ear.

Too lazy to respond I pecked him on lips and laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat was something beautiful. Tiredness consumed me all I heard was "you make me feel feelings I've never felt go to sleep my princess".

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