Scene 1: Quinn University

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(The scene opens at a college. Students are bustling around the campus. There are students at registration tables, club tables, students unloading bags from their cars, students hauling luggage to dorms, and some just walking around. A female student drops one of her bags and Agni reaches down to pick up her bag for her.)

Agni – (He taps Anamika on the shoulder) Miss, you dropped this.

Anamika – Oh my gosh. I didn't even realize I dropped it. (She takes her bag) Thank you so much.

Agni – My pleasure. (He smiles at her and begins to walk away with Pandora)

Anamika – (She smiles back at him) Wait! Are you new here too?

Agni – Yes. I guess I will be seeing you around campus.

Anamika – I guess so... So, I'll see you around then. It was nice talking with you.

Agni – I agree. Goodbye. (He walks away with Pandora)

(Agni and Pandora walk up to a registration table and Carter looks up.)

Carter – (He smiles at them) Welcome to Quinn University! Will you be signing up for sophomore, junior, or senior?

Agni and Pandora – Senior. (They smile back at him)

Carter – Ok. Here are your papers. Please read, sign, and return.

(Agni and Pandora pick up the papers and walk away.)

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