Friends and Family Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Sure bro, sure" Billy says.

"What about you Jordyn?" Zak asks. 

"Oh err, I'm not sure, I've gotta walk home too, plus I don't like hangovers" I say.

"You sure?" Mitch asks.

"Yeah, thanks anyway" I say.

"So just me and Jay, what does everyone else want to drink? Water?" He asks.

"Sure, thanks" Aaron says and the rest of us nod.

"Give me a hand babe?" Mitch asks.

"Sure" I say and go with him. We get the drinks together and take them to the guys. After a couple of hours of talking and present opening, Mitch is pretty drunk, Jay isn't far behind him.

"Youu knows, THE-the firsst time me and-and-and Jordyn had S-sex, she waaaas amazing-" Mitch starts saying. What is he doing?! Is he seriously telling them about our first time?? I interrupt him.

"Mitch! Don't be telling them our sex life, thats personal!" I say, I'm pretty annoyed with him.

"She was SCREEAAAAAMMING so loud, my naaaame, it wa-was such a turn onnnn" He says.

"Mitch, stop, we don't need to know, too much information bro" Zak says while looking at me feeling sorry for me.

"Hey, no, no, n-n-n-no, this is my whoree, I say what I wannnnt about herrrr" Mitch says.

"Ok I think it's time to end this party, Mitch you need to sleep" Aaron says.

"Yeah c'mon Jay, I'll take you home before you say something bad" Billy says.

"Babe, you gonnnna stay theeeee night, andd screaam my nameeee all night lonnnngggg?" Mitch asks. Is he being for real?

"No way! Not after what you just said, I'm going home" I say pissed off at Mitch.

"Fineeee, I'll drive you homeeeee" He says.

"No, I'll drive her home, you are going to bed" Zak says.

"Zak it's ok, I can walk home" I say.

"No, it's getting too late, I'll drive you" He says. He's sweet, I can't help but smile at him.

"Thank you Zak, Mitch I'll talk to you in the morning when you're sober" I say, I get my stuff together.

"Finnnneeee then, be like thaaaat, ii don't carreeeee" Mitch says. Zak grabs my arm gently.

"Come on Jordy, let's get you home, speak to you tomorrow Mitch" Zak says. Me and Zak leave Mitch's place. Zak helps me into his car and gets in himself and starts driving.

"I can't believe he did that, why would he say that?" I ask pissed off.

"Don't take any notice of him Jord, he's drunk" Zak says.

"He called me his whore, how dare he!" I say.

"That was pretty harsh, but he'll be sorry in the morning" He says.

"That was so embarrassing" I say on the verge of tears.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm here, we're at yours now, how about I make you a coffee and we can talk or something, I'm not in a hurry to get back home, Gracie's sitter is staying at mine the night so it won't matter if I get back at like 3am" He says.

"Thanks Zak, I would like that" I say and we smile at each other. I let us both into my place and he goes straight through to the kitchen.

"You want a coffee or something else?" He asks.

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