Doorstep Baby

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This imagine was requested by @sierratilley I hope you like it, sorry for the wait, I've not been on here since like last Friday.

Doorstep baby

Zak's POV

I'm just on a walk, walking Gracie, I love taking her out for a walk and going through the park and that, listening to nature and playing music. Gracie is the best thing that's happened to me, I'm so happy that I adopted her, she is an amazing girl, well behaved and very funny when you play with her. We've been walking for over an hour now, we are on our way back home now though, that's the thing about walking Gracie that I love, I just lose track of time, I can walk with her for hours and not know it, but that's because I love it, it gives us time together and gives me time to think about things, things like her, my family and friends, the last investigation for Ghost Adventures, the next investigation for Ghost Adventures, the new episodes that are airing each week, the office where we put our investigations into episodes and analyse the evidence, I think about a lot actually, but that's how I lose time. We're now just around the corner from home, I let Gracie off her leash when we get to the corner because she knows where home is and doesn't run away, she would probably be trusted to do the entire walk off her leash but I'm just a little cautious about it, what if she does run away, what if she runs into the road and gets hit by a car, ohh I don't wanna think about that, what if someone tries to take her or something, so I let her off her leash when we get to the park and wooded area cause I have my eyes on her all the time there.

"Here you go Gracie, find home" I say as I un-clip her leash, she runs around the corner and disappears for literally a second while I go around the corner, she's stood by the gate ready to be let in.

"Woof, woof woof" She barks.

"Ok, patience, I know you need a drink, let me just open it and you can get one" I say and then open the gate and she goes running in. She disappears, which I'm not worried about, I mean we're home, she can't get out, she's probably just gone to get a drink, I leave a water bowl out by the pool for her for when we're out there enjoying the weather.

"Woof woof" I hear Gracie bark. What is she barking at? I walk around to where I hear her, as I get there I see her sniffing at something, is that a basket? Did my assistant leave that there? She's gone on vacation for a month, she left this morning, maybe she was doing some laundry and left it out here by accident, which is strange for her to do, she's never done it before, I'll go and take it back in and deal with it. I walk over to Gracie sniffing it.

"Do you like the smell of my clothes or something Gray?" I ask and chuckle to myself.

"Woof" She barks and then makes a crying sound. I get to the basket and pick it up while still looking at Gracie. Jeez this basket is heavy for clothes, how much have I worn? I look in it and nearly drop the basket, I slowly put it down and just stare at what's in it for a minute.

"Err, hello" I say unsure of what to say. "So where did you come little one?" I ask as I crouch down to the little baby girl.

"Woof woof woooo" Gracie barks.

"Be quiet Gray, you'll scare her" I say shutting her up, I don't mean to be abrupt but there's a baby on my doorstep! "Sorry Gracie, look go inside and get a drink or something while I deal with this cute baby here" I say stroking Gracie and she wanders off.

"So what's your name?" I ask. "Don't be stupid Zak she's a baby, she can't talk yet" I say to myself aloud. I notice some paper looking thing in the basket with her, I gently take it out and unfold it, I start reading it.

'Dear home owner,

Please could you look after this baby, I can't look after her anymore, her dad abuses me and gives her death threats, I need to keep her safe somewhere, somewhere he won't find her, I've chosen you, please don't send her away, that's the last thing I want, for her to be put in a children's home, she's only a newborn so you'll have to do everything for her, she's a few weeks old, thank you! I'm sorry I won't be visiting to see her or take her back, it's for the best.

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