Chapter 30: This Is How We Roll

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*Warning: Recreational Drugs*

Normani's POV

Troy was going to meet us in Ibiza after a couple of days, so we rented a car and took a two-day road trip exploring the southern coast of Spain till we reached Alicante, the city where we were supposed to take the ferry to Ibiza. Within the first thirty minutes of the six-hour ferry ride, Dinah got sea sick, and I wasted no time in taking care of her. I rubbed her back, held her hair back as she threw up, and raised hell till someone gave her meds. Then, I made Dinah lie down on a row of seats to rest, but she kept twisting and turning.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"These seats are uncomfortable AF," Dinah whined.

"Here," I said, inching closer to her, "Just sleep on me," I put her head in my lap and caressed her hair gently, "Better?"

"A lot better. Thanks Manz!" Dinah said, smiling up at me. She snuggled her face into my stomach and fell asleep.

I tried hard not to watch Dinah sleep, but her serious sleeping face was just too cute to handle. I smiled to myself and continued stroking her hair as I watched her sleep. Soon, I drifted off too.


Operation Norminah Group Chat:

Lauren: [Picture attached]

Ally: Awww that's so cute! I took a picture too!

Camila: I was just about to send one!

Lauren: Camz, I thought you were over Norminah. You wouldn't shut up about how cute Dinah and Vicky were the other day. You guys literally captained the Vinah ship with that serenade.

Camila: We can sail two at once! I respect Vinah and wish them the best, but Norminah will be my ultimate OTP for life. So shut up and lemme indulge in my delusion.

Ally: Amen, Mila!

Lauren: Are we back on speaking terms with God?

Ally: Yeah, we're cool.

Ally: I realized that there's a child out there who's just as eager to have a mom as I am to have a child, so Troy and I decided to look into adoption as soon as he gets here.

Ally: Which is just in a few hours!

Camila: Awww Ally! That's great news!

Lauren: That's so beautiful, Ally! I'm so proud of you. :)

Ally: Thanks guys! :)

Lauren: I like how we're sitting next to each other and cuddling but still texting.

Camila: Too lazy to talk, tbh. Just enjoy the silence of the sea, Jau-re-gui.

Ally: [Okay finger sign emoji]


Normani's POV

When we reached the docks, I spotted a familiar face waving to us.

"Ally, what's Troy doing here so early?" Lauren asked.

Ally whirled around and gasped.

"I thought he was coming later tonight," Dinah said.

"This is so cute you guys! He came early to surprise her!" Camila gushed.

Troy and Ally ran toward each other and met halfway. Troy lifted her up in his excitement and they kissed and clung to each other for a long time. As I grinned at the pair, I tried remembering the last time I'd greeted someone with that much passion.

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