Love ~22

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So this is for Valentines Day tomorrow. I personally don't like this day, due to the fact that Percy, Leo, Jason, Frank, The Stolls, Grover.... all have dates and can't get me flowers and/or chocolate. The video above is a buzzfeed video I saw on YouTube. I thought that it would be really cute for Percabeth. This is a mortal AU were they are in university. You can watch the video before hand, after or not at all. It just tells you what are in italics below. I used most of the ideas. Thanks everyone for reading and Happy Valentines Day!


Have you ever fallen in love? Ever had a girlfriend? Ever had a crush? Ever thought about marriage and settling down and having kids?

I thought of all of things things

I thought I was in love with Rachel Dare, didn't work out.

Had multiple girlfriends, each thinking that they could be the one. They weren't.

I've had a crush. Who hasn't?

I thought I was going to settle down with Rachel, have kids, get married. She didn't have the same ideas.

I was heart broken when Rachel dumped me after 3 years of going out in high school. Six months after graduation "It's me, not you" bull came. Lucky I had my best friend there, helping me through the pain and helping me get back on my feet. She helped me get into the university that I wanted, we moved in together as best friends, nothing more. Then I started to get stupid feelings for her.

The way she looked when she just got up in the morning, bed hair and grumbling about the sunshine being to bright while she made her morning tea. The way when she was reading, she bit her bottom lip and her eyebrows scrunch together in concentration. The way she would yell at you if you interrupted her while she was working on her blueprints, even the way she insulted me and called me Seaweed Brain.

Then I finally got the guts to ask her out on a date, after my bro Jason told me that she had told his girlfriend Piper that she had stupid feelings as well.

Now in my second year of university to become a marine biologist and after dating Annabeth Chase for almost 5 months, I think I'm in love.

I thought I was in love with Rachael, but I was really in love with the idea of being in love. Not actually her. Now that I look back at it, I'm glad she dumped me. If she hadn't then I would be in a 5 year relationship with her, not even thinking about falling for Annabeth Chase.

As I sat in my mother's living room while she made me blue cookies, I wanted to know if I really was in love with Annabeth. How did I know? Would I slowly feel something or would it just hit me in the face saying 'Boom, your in love with Annabeth'?

My mother walked into the living room, blue cookies on a plate in hand, talking on the phone to her new husband, Paul Blofis. She had been in love, in love with my father and now Paul. She would know. After she got off the phone I asked her

"How do you know when your in love?"

She smiled at me from across the room. She had a twinkle in her eyes, like she always had when she saw me, Paul or Annabeth.

She sighed "There's multiple hints Percy, why do you ask?"

"I don't know if I'm in love" I answered truthfully

"When you fall in love, you feel butterflies every time they walk into the room and your heart stops beating when you kiss or even just touch"

Butterflies, I definitely have butterflies when Annabeth is in the same room with me. I practically stop breathing when we kiss

"You wake up thinking about them"

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