Car Crash ~11

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*Jason POV*

Percy and I had been in the infirmary for a day and Will said we would be here for maybe two to three more days. Yay!

Nico and the rest of the seven walked into Percy and I's room

"Ha! The great Percy Jackson and Jason Grace get into a car crash!"

"Thanks Death Breath, for the amazing support!" Percy said sarcastically

"No problem" Nico replied "So, how did you get into an accident?"

"Well Percy was driving and there was a deer in the middle of the road that he didn't notice" I saw out of the corner of my eye Percy hiding his face in his hands. "So I said 'Percy, deer!' And do you won't to tell them what your response was before we crashed into the poor deer?"

Percy looked up

"Yes honey?"

There was silence

Then everyone burst into fits of laughter. Percy's face was as red as a baboons butt

"Such A Seaweed brain!"

"Stupid Kelp head"

"Good one water boy!"

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