A Loophole

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AN:/ So I've had this idea about making a Percabeth Selection. It's different from your average one. To start off Annabeth lives at the palace because her dad works there. So that make her and Percy best friends. I wrote this as a sort of intro thing. Tell me what you think!

I've always had mix feelings about The Selection.

When I was first told about it I was 8, and 8 year old with 1 friend who was a girl, a boy best friend and a growing crush. I loved the idea of 35 girls coming into my home trying to win his heart.

When I was 12 my feelings changed for The Selection. I started to dislike it as I grew older because of my growing crush on him. Now I had two crushes but I still liked the idea of so many girls in my home. I dreaded him falling in love though.

When I was 15, I started to despise it. I despised the idea, I despised the concept. I despised the idea of him falling in love. Why? I had my first kiss with him. The alarms for the Rebels went off while we were in his room. We couldn't get out quick enough, then the Rebels burst into the room. I turned to him and planted a sweet but firm kiss on his lips. What? I thought we were going to die. But lucky for us the guards came in, shot the Rebels dead and escorted us to the safe room. That kiss was never brought up again.

Now at 18 years of age, I hate it. I hate everything about it. From the girls, to the dresses, to the love. Someone loving him. Him loving someone that isn't me.

I admit it

I'm falling in love with him, my best friend.

I'm falling in love with the Prince of Illèa

I'm falling in love Percy Jackson

Someone who I shouldn't love, someone who is out of bounds and someone who doesn't love me back.

That is until I found A Loophole

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