Authors Note/Intro

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Hey you guys!

Thanks so much for clicking on my story!

So this is my first fanfic. I've only ever written things before in English and my teachers always praise me. I'm know I'm not that good but I want to improve my skills and I figured this was the best way to do so.

I've only been apart of the PJO fandom for about 6 months. Those have been the best and craziest 6 months of my life. I started reading them in August and now I'm publishing my first fanfic in January.

I know this won't get many reads but I want to get my ideas out there.

(Most of you aren't reading this, I know. But thanks who are!)

Constructive criticism is welcomed. I'm only trying to improve!

Another quick note. I'm Australian. This means that we might spell words differently from you. Examples are colour/Color and mum/mom (okay that was weird. Mom? Never spelt like that before) So please don't correct me.

Also this story is safe for younger readers. I don't swear. Even in real life. I only say sh*t when I really need too. I only swear like demigods. A habit I picked up. I normally say Styx, Di immortales or what in Hades?! And the most sexual thing in this book will probably be Percabeth kissing without Percy's shirt on.

I'll try and kept authors notes to a minimum. I'll try and update as best I can. School starts back up in a week after our 8 week summer holidays and I'm going into year 9, so a lot more homework and a lot less reading. :(

Thanks for reading this and my story.

Love you, all ready


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