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July 24, 2016

"Bye Boney," I wave to my dog as I leave the house.

Today I've decided I will go to the mall to get some more clothes. I mean, I wasn't able to properly pack when we left. So I should get some nice clothes and maybe some other things that are actually important. Dad has been complaining how there's no utensils.

Target sounds appropriate.

I walk over to the bus stop and wait on the bench. The road is bare no noise whatsoever is made. It's a quiet street so not many cars pass by. My mind travels back to yesterday's memories.

My palms are sweaty as I frantically pace around the room.

"Is this actually gonna happen? There's no way! I can't believe I'm actually doing this!" I mumble to myself.

I glance at the phone contemplating if I should call or not.

"I couldn't possibly go! I'll just say I have a lot of homework!" I panic.

My head is throbbing and walking is a very difficult task at the moment. I fall back onto my bed hoping it'd ease the nervousness in my knees but utnfoetuenlty it does nothing to relieve the stress. Now my stomach growls in pain, a stomach ache I guess. Of course, it's not because I'm hungry or have an empty stomach. This pain felt like fear and anxiety all balled up and forcing its way in my belly.

I clench my stomach attempting to hide the internal pain with physical pain.

*ring ring*

I shoot my head up to obnoxious noise my phone makes. But the noise is the last thing I'm concerned about.

Who's calling me? I question in fear.

I tentatively reach for my phone and look at the caller ID.





I answer it. "Hello?"

"He wants you..." The caller responds in a tone so monotone its eerie.

"Who is this..."

They hang up. I look at my phone in disbelief. I gulp and put my phone down. That was not the call I was expecting whatsoever.

I shudder the thought of yesterday's events as the hairs along my spine and on my arms rise.

The bus finally arrives.

- - -

*ding ding wake up mf*

I groan as I sit up. I throw my alarm clock across the room.

"Little piece of shit." I curse at it.

I rub my eyes and attempt to look at the time on my nightstand but I forgot I literally just threw it not even thirty seconds ago.

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