Take Out Food

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"So you don't like Paula eh?"

I scratch the back of my neck. "I mean, it's not that I don't like her... I would date her again but she's just so slutty and crazy."

"What happened", Poo questioned. I forgot that he wasn't there with us for eighth.

I give a pained face. "Oh, I'm sorry. If you don't want to say that's fine", Poo said.

"No no no. It's not that it's just... What happened to her was really sad", I explained.

"Paula was caring and sweet 'till near the end of eighth grade. It was so sudden, she just changed! She started acting very sexual to a lot of guys. She first started with me. I didn't give in though, I tried to help her out of it but she'd just fume and run away. She started going to other guys in the summer and when I confronted her again she ran away, and..."

"We didn't see her for the rest of the summer...", Poo remembered.

"Yeah, you remember that. A few days after you had left to visit your homeland, she came back she revealed where she'd gone to. She had went to Ecnarf. She didn't tell anyone what she did over there though. I questioned her angrily and she teared up and told me."

"Well what'd she tell you?"

"I promised I wouldn't tell anyone..."


"Anyhow... She kinda stopped doing all of that near the end of Summer and so now she's like this...", finished.

Poo nodded.

"Hm, makes sense. I had always wondered how Paula got the way she is now", he sighed. "Now I know."

"Yeah...", I whisper.
"Well, I got to go now. It's getting pretty late."

"Heading home", he questioned.

"Well what else would it be" I laugh as I get up from the couch.

"True true...", he laughed.

I walk to the door and he follows behind. "See ya tomorrow."

"Bye", he says as he closes the door.


He locked the door. What time is it? I whip out my phone and turn it on.


YiKes! I should be home at around fifty something. Yeah.


Huh? Oh the elevator. Whoa...

Look at that pretty thing

Shut up you piece of shit! I do have to admit though, she is pretty hot. She's wearing a strapless floral top and jeans that seem to be a little too tight on her but it makes her butt pop out even more. I couldn't help but look her up and down, I have more manners than that but JESUS! I regret doing that. I blush. She just giggles. She does the same to me and smirks suggestively.

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