Questioning It

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ooph we are playing with fire my guys,, okay but I've never written anything like this so pls forgive me if it's awkward :(
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"Hey uh, Jeff?" I yank him from Lucas.

"Ness!" Jeff looks up at me, with what I'm assuming is shock. "Long time no see," he croaks.

I nod with a semi-perturbed face but more or glare.

"Ness," Lucas begins.

"Well if it isn't Jefferson Andonut." A voice from behind chirps.

I can already tell his eye twitches through his glasses as soon as he hears her.

"Is this your new boyfriend," she smirks. Her hands rest at her hips.

From the corner of my eye I spot Lucas and from the looks of it he seems a bit disturbed or so. I don't really know.

"You gonna speak up, Andonuts?" Paula continues to tease the poor guy.

"Um, I'm sorry. D-do you have an sish- issue with my friend?" Lucas winces.

"Awww well look at this little baby," she scoffs. She sways her nonexistent hips as she circles him. Her nose held high and lips pouted, "Its so cute that youwe standing up for youw boyfrewn."

"Can you quite it?!" Lucas snaps harshly. He's on the verge of tears.

"Are you really going to cry now? Are you shitting me? What a twink, ugh I can't stand to stay around pussies like you!" She complains.

She hadn't realized but he left before anyone and herself were able to notice. And well, because I'm a good person I went to go check up on him. For the sake of his health.

"Lucas. Lucas. Are you okay?" After many empty rooms, I finally discovered where the cries were being emitted.

Wow, that's a smart question! Dumbass.

He was on the floor with his legs tucked underneath him. His hands hid his eyes but streams of tears were still visible as they ran down his face.

"Lucas," I bend down trying to see his face. His face, unfortunately is covered by his dainty little hands.

Wait what?

I purse my lips and contemplate what I should do. I reach for his shoulder. He didn't look up though, he still continued to cry.

My eyes scan all over the small little space we resign.

Wow Ness, did you learn that one today? I swear you always complicate yourself when you're with this guy.

He's shifts, maybe now he'll be able to tell me what happened.

Wow, he looks so-
It's nothing like people said it'd be. Describing a taste, but maybe that's only what happens when you give a real kiss.

It feels so weird, almost gross!...This is disgusting.

His lips, they're so soft against my mine.

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