What a Coincidence

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Lucas' POV

I was finally finished registering. The bell had already rung like four minutes ago but I'm sure the teacher would understand. I looked at the directions the lady have me. "Okay, so it's not to far from here", I told myself. I went my way and then noticed someone coming out of the restrooms. It was a boy wearing a red and blue... Wait! Isn't that the guy I saw in the hallway before? I was now walking slower, ands then I stopped. "No the guy was wearing a black sweater not a striped shirt. I started walking again. "Finally", I whisper to my self in relief. I open the door to the class. I found a spot next to this girl with pink hair, and on the other side was an empty seat. I got out a book and started to read. I was in the middle of my book but then I hear some one ask, " Is this seat taken?" I look up. Oh my goodness! It's that dude from the hallway! "U-uh...no." Dang it I could have just nodded, now I probably sound stupid. "Cool", he answered with a nice smile. He sat down and started talking to the girl next to him. I glanced towards him from time to time. "Good morning class, I'm sorry I was late." It was the teacher. It was a woman. She wore glasses, a mint green blouse, an orange sweater and black pants. Hear hair was in a low pony tail however; her hair was sticking out...a lot. " I am Ms. Condenza, I'd love to get to know you but unfortunately I ran late, and you have to go to the auditorium in three minutes, sooooooo, follow me!" She had said everything so quickly I barely got what she said.

Long Assembly Over

Lucas' POV

"Woah that took forever!" I said out load as we left the auditorium. I even saw my teacher dozing off a couple of times trying too stay awake."Yah, did you see Ms. Condenza snoozing?" I chuckled, " Yeah." Wait who is this? I look to my side to see none other than him. Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh. I'm feeling my face grow hot, not good! " Oh by the way I'm Ness sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier." "Oh I'm L-lucas." Ugh I have a problem. "Chill. Hey what's your schedule say", he asked Oh I have math, then english, then P.E, lunch, and art." Chill I have...", he got off track. " I have math, then art, P.E, lunch, and then english." I widend my eyes. "Really!" He noddedd. "Cool Beans!" " Cool Beans", he questioned. " Uh...yah it's a little something I say. I sounds stupid doesn't it", I answered as I started looking down. " Nononono no! It actually sounds really cool", he said reassuringly " It's just I've never heard that been said." I finally looked up. I smiled but no to much, "Thanks." I looked up at the clock on the wall. "Ahh, we gotta get to class!" "well then let's go." We both were now running. As we were running I thought that this was such a strange but amazing coincidence.

I am so sorry for not writing sooner, but here it is folks. Also sorry for no color in the picture. If you have any suggestions I'll take em. Bye stay awesome my friends.

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