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I wasn't always like this. I was truly happy once, before High School. That's when the reality of life sunk in and I had no clue what I was going to do with it.

The pain I give myself reminds me that I'm not completely numb and that maybe I can still be saved. I'd never come out and say that I needed help though. Who'd want to help someone like me?

"Katie! Hey! Wait up!"

I turned around to see one of my friends running toward me. I put a smile on my face and slowed down my pace.

"Hey Danny. What's up?"

"You're not going to the pool party? I thought that was the 'cool kid' thing to do."

Yes, even though I was popular......ish I still do it. I have a ton of friends but they're all fake and my parents suck at being parents. I feel like Danny was the only real one I have.

"Come on Danny. You know I don't do pools."

Ever since I started cutting I made up this fear of water. I cut really high on my thighs so no one can see our suspect a thing. All of that is gone once someone sees me in a swimsuit.

"Oh, right duhhhhh. The water thing, I got it. Hey, maybe we can hang out instead?"

"But you really wanted to go! You should go."

"I won't know anyone there if you don't go."

"Isn't Paul going?" I questioned.

We finally reached my car and I turned to face him.

"Just go! I'll be fine, I've got a bunch of homework anyway. Thanks though."

I got my keys out and hopped into my car. I waved Danny a goodbye before pulling out and driving away.

When I got home the house was empty, like usual so I pulled out my books. It had to of been at least two hours before I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I groaned and got up.

"Who in the world...." I opened the door and Danny stood there. He was in swimming trunks and had a cooler and some pizza.

"What are you-"

"That part was lame and it's a Friday! You shouldn't be studying ALL day! So I'm here to party. Since you're afraid of deep water I thought we could break out the sprinkler and-"

"NO!" I screamed out, interrupting him.

"Why not?"

He looked really concerned and I felt really bad for lying to him. It's the only thing I can do though.

"I don't like water Danny."

"Ok, that's fine. We can just go sunbathing in the backyard. Go get changed and I'll meet you out there."

He took the pizza box to the back door and I was alone once again. I was frozen in fear, I don't know what to do. My stomach started to feel queezy as I walked to my bedroom. Once the door was shut I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face and once I took my skirt off the scars made the tears worse. I'm such a horrible human being, how could I do this to myself?

I must've been in my room for longer than I thought because I heard a knock on my door.

"Katie! You ok in there?"

I tried to get my breathing even so I could answer but my crying made me tired. I couldn't fight it anymore.


I heard my door open and Danny looked at me, concerned. He rushed to my side and gave me a hug and a shoulder to cry on.

"What's going on?" He asked after a few minutes.

"I lied. I'm not afraid of water. I'm afraid of people looking at me in a swimsuit because of my legs."

That's when his eyes trailed down to my bare legs and he sighed.

" can't, you shouldn't of-"

"I know, thanks." I snapped.

"Hey, I know life is hard but this isn't the answer. You can talk to me about the things going on. Promise me you'll stop?"

"I'll try."

"Whenever you feel like doing this again call me. Here, take my bracelet so you'll remember."

He slips one the bracelets he always wears off his wrist and on to mine. I smile through my tears and thank him.

"Danny I'm tired." I mumbled.

I laid my head against his shoulder as he laid on my bed.

"Then sleep. I'll be here, I promise."

A/N: Hey guys! I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry! This one was requested and I hope you like it! I need an editor! And not just for this book. If you're interested message me! I would really appreciate it! Thank you for reading!

Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer Imagines and Preferences [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now