Signs 1

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I walked in the front door of mine and Danny's shared home and set my purse down.

"Yah. I just got home from work." I said into my phone while my friend talked back.

"I'll be there. I just have to check on Danny he hasn't been feeling too well lately. Ok, bye." I hung up and made my way toward our room.

I opened the door slowly and saw Danny laying on the bed.

"Hey, dork. How you feeling?" I joked as I sat beside him.

"A lot better actually." He said and smiled at me.

The smile didn't meet his eyes but I nodded anyway.

"Do you feel like going out? Brooke and I are going to walk around the Outlet if you want to join." I asked.

He shook his head and shot out of bed and to his side of the closet.

"I'll call Paul and hang out with him or something." Danny said really fast.

"He has been worried about you." I said slowly and looked at him strangely.

"You're sure that you're feeling better?"

"Great. So much better. I promise." He told me, still digging through his closet.

I watched him move and narrowed my eyebrows at the way he was acting. He was acting jittery and sloppy. Usually that's the way he acts when he's done something or is about to do something that will make me angry. Danny turned around abruptly and it startled me slightly.

"Y/N." Danny said becoming really serious.

I looked at him confused but waited for him to continue.

"Please, will you wear this today?" He asked and held out his favorite hoodie.

He's never let me touch it before let alone wear it. Paul isn't even allowed to mess with it. I looked at him, thinking it was a joke until I saw how serious he was.

"O-of course?" I grabbed it and slipped it on over my head.

"You're sure you don't want to come with me?" I asked, trying to pressure him into going. His weird actions are scaring me.

"No. I don't want to intrude on your girl time. That, and it's girl time. Not girl and boyfriend time. I'll just have a bro time with Paul. Because he's my friend."

I nodded and stood up from the bed. I reached over to give him a hug and he held on longer than usual.

"I love you Danny, so much. I'll see you tonight. What do you want for dinner?" I asked.

He breathed in a shaky breath and looked like he was going to cry.

"Surprise me? I love you too. Now, go on. Have some fun with your friend." Danny said and nodded toward the door.

I walked out of our room and stopped in the hallway. Maybe it's his medication? The doctor said it would give him a lot of energy once he woke up from sleeping. I took in a deep breath and tried to calm down. You're fine, he's fine, everything is fine. Don't turn into one of those psycho girlfriends. After my little pep talk I walked out the door and into my car.

                          *           *           *

I laughed as Brooke told me a story about one of our other friends tipping over a rack of sunglasses while trying to get a guys attention.

"I wish I was there to see that happen. She's such a weirdo." I said through giggles.

"Oh, this is cute. I have to go try this on." She suddenly said and picked up something off the rack.

"Ok. I'll be here."

While I was waiting I decided to check up on Danny.

Hey. How's it going?

There, subtle enough that I don't sound crazy. I waited for Brooke to come back and for Danny to respond, but by the time Brooke came back he still hadn't said anything. My stomach twisted and I grew anxious. After a couple more stores and still no response I tried again.

Have you given dinner any thought?

Danny, I'm worried please respond.

Whatever's got you so worked up I promise we can work it out.

Still after no responses I grew so worried I felt sick. I decided to call Paul. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hey, Y/N. How's Danny doing?" He asked and my heart sank to my feet.

"W-What do you mean? He's with you! He said that he was going to call you!" I said and I could feel my breathing grow irregular.

"No, he hasn't called me. What's going on Y/N?"

I could feel myself having a mental breakdown and an anxiety attack at the same time as I hung up on Paul to call Danny. Brooke looked at me like I was growing another head as I ran out of the Outlet and toward my car.

Please, oh please God let him just be asleep. Let him be ok. But, by the way he was acting I should've known. I should've done something. It's all my fault if he's done something.

Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer Imagines and Preferences [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now