Pizza and Chill

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How's college going girllllll!

Terrible. I wish I could be a Youtuber like you and Danny. It's so stressful and the professors are even worse.

Awe. Well it'll get better. I always said you could do it! You're plenty funny enough!

I laughed a little at Paul and put my phone on the passenger seat in my car. I started my dive home and actually thought about starting a channel. No, everyone knows it takes more than being funny. I do not look like a Youtuber. I just have to stay in school and be the doctor my mom wants me to be.

I pulled into the parking lot for the apartment complex I live at and grabbed my books and laptop. I climbed up the stairs slowly and took my key out of my purse once I reached my door. I unlocked it and the door swung open to all of my lights being turned off. That's strange I always keep one light on, just for this reason. I set my alright down quietly and grabbed the bat by the door. I held it ready to swing as I maneuvered through my living room.

The light flicked on and I screamed and swung the bat. It came to a sudden stop and I panicked. Great, the intruder is strong and can stop a bat.

"Y/N! Open your eyes."

And now it knows my name.

"Y/N it's us. Danny and Paul."

I opened my eyes and dropped the bat when I saw Paul's face. I collapsed on the couch and sighed.

"What is wrong with you guys?! You scared the crap out of me!" I screamed.

"We wanted to surprise you." Danny said as he held up a couple boxes of pizza.

"You told me that you were stressed so I thought that we'd just chill." Paul added while holding up some movies.

I stared to laugh at how scared I was and hugged the both of them.

"Thank you guys so much. You guys are the bestest friends ever."

"That's not-"

"Danny! Don't say that it's not a word because I will take that bat and for real hit you with it." I threatened.

He backed away and took the bat to another room away from me while Paul laughed and popped in a movie.

"Look! I have blankets and pillows! Everyone on the couch!" Danny screamed and jumped onto the couch, almost knocking me off.

"Dude, calm down." I said.

Paul joined in after he turned the lights off. I was in the middle of the two boys and honestly I couldn't of been happier. I finally felt relaxed and I felt my eyes droop. The last thing I felt was Paul rubbing circles on my thigh with the pad of his thumb.

Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer Imagines and Preferences [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now