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"You're crazy. Absolutely insane. Y/N and I are just friends. Nothing more Paul." I told him while we sat at a table.

We were all at the mall and we were shopping and looking around until Y/N wanted to go into one of her girl stores. So now were waiting for her in the food court.

"Then why'd you almost follow her into Victoria's Secret?" Paul questioned.

"B-Because I guess I just wasn't paying attention. We've been here for a while." I managed to stutter out.

"Uh huh."

Paul blinked at me and smirked to himself. He knows me well. Too well. I've kept this secret a secret for a long time. Y/N and I have been friends for years and I've liked her for half of that time. The last thing I want to do is be selfish and tell her how I feel. I wouldn't forgive myself if it ended terribly. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair.

"You're being selfish right now Danny. It's so obvious that you two share the same feelings."

"Really?" I asked, feeling myself blush.

"Yes, you idiot."

"Who's an idiot?" I heard Y/N ask.

I stood up and turned around to see her. She had about two new bags in her arms and I almost laughed. Girls sure can shop.

"Me, apparently." I mumbled.

"Well.....ok then. I'm done if you guys are. We can go hang out at mine or yours?" She asked.

"Yours!" Paul said suddenly.

Y/N gave him a weird look but shrugged it off. We do weirder things than that. If you're friends with us you just gotta get used to it. We started to walk toward the exit and Paul rushed up to whisper to me.

"You're going to ride with her and when you get to her house you will tell her. Ok?" Paul ordered.

"Um.... What about you?"

"I'm going home. Have fun making love. Call me if you need baby names."

I glared at him and shoved him away as we made it to our cars. I followed Y/N to her car and got in.

"Why aren't you riding with Paul?" I heard her ask.

"Um...He's not feeling well." I lied. God, I suck at lying.

Y/N just nodded and started the car up and drove out of the parking lot. Soon we were at her house and the whole ride was completely silent. I couldn't stop thinking about how I was going to do this. I was so nervous I probably couldn't talk even if I wanted to. What do I do?

Y/N got out of the car and I quickly followed her to her doorstep. I could just get it over with. Rip it off like a bandaid?

"Y/N wait."

She was just about to unlock her door when she pulled back to face me. Her eyes met mine and all the confidence I thought I had gained from the car ride vanished and I became a mumbling mess.

"I- uhhhh- I need to t-talk to you a-about something."

"Ok. Go on."

"I-uhhh-We have b-been friend for y-years Y/N and the last t-thing I want t-to do is ruin it. S-So remember that, I g-guess." I told her, looking down the whole time.

"Danny, you dork. You can talk to me about anything. Don't be so nervous. Nothing you can possibly say can ruin us." She said and I felt a little better. Not a lot but at least enough to talk like a normal human being.

"Ok. Well, I guess I'll just have to say it then. Y/N, I love you. I've felt this way about you for a year or so now and I was just too scared to say it. I love you, Y/N. Everything about you is perfect to me and I can't help but to get mad when you have another guy on your mind. I just want to be able to call you mine, and go out with you, and to kiss you, and to do that cute stuff that all couples do. I just don't want to ruin us, so if you don't feel the same way please don't hate me."

Y/N just stared at me and the silence grew out. I shifted my weight as I became nervous once more.

"Please say something." I pleaded.

Then she smiled and I almost cried out in relief. She looked me right in the eyes, grabbed my face, and pulled me into the most life changing kiss I've ever experienced. When she pulled away I probably looked like a child on Christmas morning, I was so happy. Finally, Paul was right about something.

"I love you too, Danny. So much. It sure did take you long enough." She teased.

"Can you blame me? You scare me a little bit."

"Good." She smirked a little bit and kissed me again.

Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer Imagines and Preferences [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now