Bad Boy In Shining Armor

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I grunted falling to the floor, my palms burning as I tried to ease my fall, my favorite black glasses falling to the floor beside me. Mason was being extra rough today.

"What gives?" I groaned, crying out as his shoe came into contact with my ribs.

"Don't know, I'm just feeling a little happy today." He chuckled down at me. I breathed in a shaky breath, wiping my torn bottom lip of the blood with my sleeve.

"Please, Mason", I whimpered,"Not today. My Mom is already asking questions about my lip." I added, hoping to stop his fun.

"Oh, C'mon, Y/N, you know that doesn't stop me. You're too much of a pussy to tell anyone that it's me." He grinned, lifting me up and pushing me against a locker. I whimpered, the back of my head in pain.

"You see", He whispered in my ear, his hands finding my waist,"I can do whatever I want."

My eyes widened as I saw Mason being yanked off of me. Of course without my glasses I couldn't really see what my knight in shining armor looked like.

"Now, I'm a little confused here." His angry voice stated. Oh God, that voice. I know that voice. Why was He helping me?

"Let me get this straight." He added. I might've been blind, but you had to have some serious balls to not be scared of Edge. Mason might be a bad ass Senior, and I might be some stupid Sophomore, but Edge was The Senior. He was the signature bad boy of our school.

If you were looking for a proper fighter, he was our guy. Edge was the one Senior anyone knew of that was all for the underground fighting. Hell, he'd even pulled a few fights here for something as little as looking at him the wrong way. Of course you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him. When I first saw him I thought he looked sweet. That is until I saw him get into a fight and I never looked at him the same way again. So surprised is a bit of an understatement of my reaction as to why he's helping me.

"You think that you can just beat up on a little Sophomore?" His figure was blurred in my eyes, but I knew that Mason looked like he was going to piss his pants. He was beating up on me after all, a little Sophomore, he probably couldn't take on the nerd of the Seniors.

"N-No, E-Edge. I-I didn't mean it l-like that." He stuttered. I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Oh." I could almost see the smirk on Edge's beautiful, pink lips.


Just because I'm a Sophomore need doesn't mean I have bad taste in men. Hell, I even use to think that Mason was hot but then he showed his true colors.

Edge was the guy that every girl wanted to be with.

With his stupidly beautiful ocean blue eyes, those amazing rosy lips, his soft looking hair, the smirk he'd flash me when he'd see me walking down the hall, books in hand. Once I could've sworn I saw a dimple.

He was a beautiful man and his strength brought it all together. Rumor had it that he could punch through a brick wall. Which I found hard to believe, because it's a brick wall.

"Well then, what did you mean when you pushed her?" His blurred figure nodded over to me. I stood there, paralyzed, my head aching, my arms wrapped around myself as I held into my torso. The pain Mason left was still aching, I could only imagine how stupid I looked with blood smeared across my mouth, my hair a mess, and my clothes slightly torn.

"I-I t-tripped." I managed to get out, falling to the floor in search of my glasses, just hoping to go home and be done with today.


Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer Imagines and Preferences [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now