➳Chapter 28➳

Magsimula sa umpisa

I blinked and stared at myself:
Dark under eye circles. Check.
Pale skin. Check.
Dry in some areas. Check.
Slight redness. Check.

I groaned in distaste, pinching my cheeks, "why me?"

"Belllllllaaaaa!" Luke drawled out as he knocked on my door.

"What?" I snapped, my fingers touching my necklace. I still hadn't taken it off and it had surprised me that I hadn't ripped it off the moment I found out about the bet.

"You have to eat breakfast. You haven't been eating lately and I'm not stupid about your habits Bella."

"I don't have habits." I lied, snatching up my things."

"Yes you do."

"I just wasn't hungry."

"Stop lying Bella."

"I'm not." I argued when I opened the door and he nearly fell in. Luke brushed himself off as I shoved past him, annoyed at him bringing up the sensitive topic.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. "No." My mother shook her head- wait when did she arrive home? How had I missed her coming home? She pointed at the breakfast on the island. "Eat it all up." She spoke in a soft tone but narrowed her eyes down and that's when you know she means business.

I let out a long sigh as I dropped my bags to the floor and sat on the stool. I grabbed the plate and forced myself to take small bites. It was a painfully slow process. "Mom! I don't want anymore. I'll be late." I whined.

"So what? Your health is more important than school." She spoke sternly and my brother nodded. He walked out, kissing my mother on the cheek and smiling at me.

I shoved the last piece down and gagged. I picked up the glass of water and gulped it down, trying to make the food stay in my stomach. "God-"

"So you have been-" I cut my mother off and her gaze burned into me, making me squirm in my seat.

"Please not now." I murmured with pleading eyes. Her gaze briefly softened as I quickly picked up my bags.

"Bella we have to talk about this!" She yelled as I rushed out and into my car.

I threw my bags into the other seat and drove out of the driveway and onto the road. I let out a sigh in relief that she didn't have enough time to stop me but, what about later? When I get home?

I wouldn't be surprised if she had called my Dad and told him to get home this instant because of this. I exhaled a loud, long sigh. I was going to get another talk on; how I was an okay weight, how I wasn't fat like I thought and how I should stop listening to what others think of me.

But did it matter?

What's done is done. I can't take back my actions and even though I can't they lecture me in my future actions that don't work because look where I am, doing the same thing over again but only milder than before.

We'd have a 3 hour long talk about how they're worried about me and the health risks. We'd have to talk about me getting therapy again. We'd have to talk about the so many things they choose to ignore.

The Bad Boy And The PranksterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon