Chapter 11

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Song: Sucker for pain from suicide squad. (Too many singers to mention ;-))

I don't know how this chapter advances because I was truly bored writing a few scenes, especially torture scenes. As you know that I had a nasty writer's block and all I could think was: 

1) Why doesn't penguins fly?

2) If unicorns existed, I would adopt one and fly through the sky? 

3) If I go to Russia or Italy, will I find a handsome, sexy, beautiful man who will want a crap bag as his wife? Meaning me, of course.


So yeah, I guess you get the idea. Thanks to the 3 days holidays due to elections, I could finally return back to writing.

This is a ruthlessly sexy chapter. If you are uncomfortable with gore and crass, this chapter is not for you. This will also be a little sappy. 

Here you go...

Maila's POV:

Sometimes you have to start from the beginning. I made my way towards the beginning. Adamo was hunched over the chair tied up, all miserable.

"What do you want you bitch? You've ruined everything for me. What more could you want now?" He screamed pathetically.

I just laughed enjoying his misery. Papa Piero is left to rest after losing five perfectly healthy teeth. I decided to save Luca for the best. He is left untouched in the most corner of the room but in a clear view of Adamo and Piero. He can clearly see the things done to his father and best friend so that he can imagine himself in those. 

I have some entirely different and beautiful tortures for him. He is to be saved for the best. I will be the one to ruin the bastard. I shiver thinking what Giovanni will do to Luca when he will have his hands on him. He could barely control himself with Adamo.

"Oh honey. You'll pay for everything. Every single time you've played with us. I know it was all your father and your doing. Joint account huh?" I smirk at him. "You both shot my father, raped girls of our clubs, tampered with our deals and much more over the years. Your father paid dearly 5 years back, now it's your turn. However, I wish he was here right now." I pout. 

I see fire rising in his eyes along with fear. Fear is a must. Fear must be there. Always. It's a rule. Fear is a constant. I like fear.

I walk towards the table in the corner of the room where all our weapons are displayed proudly which we pride  in and our prisoners sweat looking at. I pick up a nail clincher and check it looking at Adamo. I see him gulp audibly. This is good. I'm enjoying this more than I should. 

I am loving playing with them. 

I put the nail clincher down and pick up a cutter. I look at Adamo and smirk again. I test the cutter in the air making vicious metal voices. I see Adamo as well as Piero shiver in fright. The fear present in Adamo's wide eyes are feeding the monster in me to the brink but the monster will not have nearly enough until it have his claws around Luca. 

I walk towards Adamo's chair and he starts thrashing in his chair to break free from his confines. Nikolay has tied them all to their chairs and getting away from those ropes are going to be impossible. I bring the cutter to his pinky and hover the cutter from his pinky finger to his thumb caressing ever so lightly. I stop at his thumb and say,

"This was the finger you used to shoot my father, didn't you?" He tries to bring the cutter away from his finger still jerking away. I encircle his thumb between the cutter and cut before he could wiggle. His thumb fall down on the ground and he roars in pain. 

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