Chapter 2

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^^^Maila's White lace dinner dress^^^

^^^Genie in a bottle by Christina Aguilera^^^

I'm giving you the 2nd chapter because half of it was already posted on facebook as part 3 if you people read it. Another chapter in less than 24 hours but Don't get used to it though. Obviously it is updated and highly edited so don't just scroll down lazy butts.

Happy reading...


Control is something that is taught to you since a very tender age if you are born in a mafia family.

Control over every aspect shows how well deserving you are.

Among all other aspects, control over emotions and expressions are the most important. You simply can't let your anger, hatred, fear and such extreme expressions show freely on your face, especially if you are next boss in line.

I feel like I failed. First time in my life I feel like a fucking failure. I let emotions get the best of me.

My father has drilled into my head that never let others know your emotions.

When I saw Giovanni show up all of the sudden, I felt my exterior slipping away.

I was glad that my mother, Maddie and grandma Lena took him away welcoming him or else I was just a second away from falling in his arms.

5 fucking years later, I saw him today.

I thought it wouldn't affect me that much. I thought my love faded away. I thought I'd be fine.

Now I know. I'll be anything but fine.

And to say I'll be next mafia boss in line. How pathetic..!!!

Being a first female mafia boss, I'll have to be more ruthless than anyone ever was but here I was pathetically in love with a person basically considered enemy.

I was glad my father wasn't there to witness my moment of weakness. Alessio Ivanshov would have instantly guessed my body language. He is the master of guessing. He knows when you are lying, when you are hiding something.

Giovanni was supposed to come next week and seeing him there caught me off guard.

I heard Giovanni was given the guest room downstairs. I'm glad we'll be away in our rooms when we're not handling business.

Meals are going to be painful. Trainings are going to be torturous.

5 years and I still love him without any regrets. I don't even know if he loves me or even if he loved me then.

I don't think it matters anyway.

"Maila?" I hear my mother call for me.

"Yes mom?" She insisted I don't be formal with her and call her mom instead of mother. It makes her feel closer and connected to me.

"Dinner's ready princess." I smirk inwardly. Princess.

"Coming mom."

I took a shower as soon as I went to my room after the Giovanni fiasco. I needed to clear my head.

I got dressed in a white dress reaching my mid thighs. The neck and full sleeves were lace and reached my elbows. I liked this dress very much. It belonged to my mother.

I went downstairs for dinner. I saw loud chatter in the dinning room. Dinner with family is the best part of the day.

I saw all of the men and women sitting on the table with Giovanni at the end.

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