Chapter 27

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Florian didn't want to be king anymore. Once upon a time he would have killed to have that power. Now, after everything that had happened, the thought of being king made him sick to his stomach. It had been a month since Astra had died. Florian had personally brought her body back to the forest and grieved with the creatures. Today was his coronation. Florian was wearing satin and silk with heavy cape over his back. When he looked in the mirror, a hollow version of the Florian he had been stared back. His door creeped open,

"Florian?" his mother, walked in.

"It's time to go." Florian and Della traveled through the castle until they reached the throne room. The blood had been cleaned away, but Florian could still see the bodies in his mind's eye. He looked to the dais where the crown was placed on a velvet cushion. He didn't want it. Announcements and speeches were made then Florian was called forward. But he was frozen, Della nudged him toward the crown. Slowly, he took a step then another. He made it in front of the minister and knelt. The crown was lifted off the cushion, raised high in the air for everyone to see, then it lowered.

"Stop." Florian said. The minister paused unsure,

"Your highness?" the prince stood.

"Stop." Florian looked across the crowd that had gathered to watch him become king. His mother, Ricardo, the palace servants, the villagers, the rebels led by Merek. Everyone was here. Everyone was watching him.

"I do not want to be king. I admit when I was younger I wanted nothing more than to rule. But now I don't. I do not want to be king. But as your crown prince I can choose a new one." the prince turned until he was facing Merek,

"Merek, you are a great leader, you saved the people of Tarion. You took them in when they had nothing and helped them make a living. Something I never could've done. So please, will you take my crown?" A hush fell over the people. All eyes were on Merek. Florian was right, Merek had saved Tarion's hungry and poor. He had led them to victory against a tyrannical king. Florian was still a boy, who better to lead the kingdom than Merek? The crowd warmed up to the idea and soon they were all chanting Merek's name. The leader of the rebels stood. He walked to the dais and bowed at the prince.

"I accept your offer your highness. You're a good man Florian. I hope you find peace." the prince nodded and stepped away. The minister lowered the crown onto Merek's head. The rebel leader rose, the new king of Tarion. The crowd applauded wildly. And Florian slipped out unnoticed.

Florian entered the forest in the cover of darkness. The only creature that noticed him was a grazing unicorn. New life was already beginning to cover the burnt blackness left by the king. Keeping quiet he found his way to Astra's cave. Home. He lit a match and lifted it to the carvings. The last one in particular. A fairy and a human. Together for the first time in centuries. He looked at the gift the fairy was offering the boy. He finally knew what it was. It was love and trust. It was everything he never had as a child. It was everything he needed. He should've spent his whole life repaying Astra for trusting him, believing in him and now she had gone before he had the chance.

"Florian?" a small voice whispered. Florian turned around, it was that pixie, Audrey. He smiled softly,


"Where's Astra?" Florian's smile melted away. The pixie's face was so hopeful. He couldn't imagine what it would do to her if he told her the truth. Which was better? A sweet lie or a bitter truth?

"I'll tell you tomorrow when everyone is here."

"Okay." Audrey said brightly, she was about to leave then added,

"We're all glad your back Florian."

The next morning Florian braced himself to tell the creatures the news. He had woken up early, practicing what he would say. Everyone had gathered at the meadow waiting for him. Fifteen pairs of eyes focused on his face.

"It's nice to be back." he said. Smiles lit up the meadow. Words of welcome were spoken but that didn't stall them for long. It was a troll who broke the question.

"Where is the fairy Florian?"

"She killed the king."

"Then why is she not back? Why isn't she home?" Florian sighed, this was it. It was inevitable.

"She's...not coming back." A hush fell over the creatures. The pixie asked in a small voice,

"What do you mean? Not coming back."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save her. It's my fault." Understanding lit the eyes of the creatures. Understanding and deep pain. The mermaids submerged in the water. A place where the bad news couldn't reach them. Pixies gather and flew up into the trees. The trolls blunt and practical stayed, along with the centaurs and unicorns.

"Who will protect the forest now?"

"I will." A centaur lifted his head,

"Florian we are not responsibility. You are hurting just as much as the rest of us." Florian shook his head,

"No, I promised her I'd be there for you if one day she couldn't be. I'm not going back on my word. You're my family now." The centaur smiled gratefully,

"Thank you. The fairy was right to trust you. I don't know what made her, but I'm happy that she did. We may need some time to accept this truth. You must understand that none of us have much experience with death."

"I know, I'll be here if you need me. Just like she always was."

It had been seventy years since Astra's death. And Florian had spent every day since in the forest. He'd grown from a spoiled prince to a strong young man and now a wise old one. He'd seen people come and go. He'd experienced the highs and lows of life. And he was old enough to know when it was his turn to say goodbye. And so on the last night of his life he slowly made his way up to the highest hill in the forest. Where Astra had taken him all those years ago. He sat in the soft grass and reached into his pocket and pulled out a feather. A feather from Astra's wing. A feather he had kept safe for decades. It was his last piece of her. Carefully he held it in his hands.

"I'm coming Astra. You don't have to wait any longer." And Florian looked to the skies to see twinkling stars that seemed to be saying hello.

Aaannnd finished! My first story is officially over. Thank you so much for reading about Astra and Florian, and putting up with my spelling mistakes and typos. Please give me some feedback, I know I'm far from being an amazing writer. I'd love to hear what you have to say. Hopefully, if I have time between tests and exams I'll go back and edit Change of Heart. Remember to comment, vote and share! Thank you for reading!

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