Chapter 20

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A bag over his head made Florian blind. The prince was pushed to his knees. Dirt shifting beneath him. He coughed as he breathed in the dusty air. A gruff voice spoke,

"Do not speak unless spoken to, don't talk back and don't even think about trying to escape. Understood?" Florian nodded in response. He waited. Then heard the crunch of boots on gravel. The creak of a chair.

"Take the bag off." Someone abruptly pulled the bag off Florian's head. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the fire light in the room. He took in his surroundings. Somehow the rebels had dragged him into this underground chamber. Torches lined the walls. In front of him was a large bearded man. Seated on a simple wooden chair. The man spoke.

"Who are you and why were you in my territory." It wasn't a question, it was an order.

"I am Prince Florian of Tarion."

"The prince eh? Thought you ran away."

"I did, but the king brought me back."

"So why are you in my land."

"The king locked me in a cell, I escaped."

"No one escapes the royal dungeons alone boy, do you think I'm a fool. You must've had help."

"A soldier helped me." The man stroked his beard,

"So why are you here little boy?" Florian gritted his teeth, he wasn't a little boy, but he valued his life so he stayed quiet.

"I'm trying to get out of Tarion."

"And where will you go?" Florian didn't answer right away. He didn't even know these people. What if by telling him about the forest he put Astra in more danger than she already was? If there was one thing he had learned was that humans were greedy, well most of them anyway. How could he trust this random man to not go marching into the forest once he learned of its magical inhabitants. He made the mistake of trusting the wrong person before. He wasn't going to make it again. The man sensed his hesitation, and guessed the reason.

"You don't trust me."

"Why should I?" Florian snapped. The two rebels closest to him drew their weapons but the man raised his hand to stop them.

"He's right not to trust someone he just met." he looked down at the kneeling prince. Dirt was stuck to his clothes, his hair was messy, scars covered his arms like sleeves. And his eyes. Florian's green eyes were dull. No light or energy. Just a dull green, like a leaf that has been caught in a storm. Sympathy wormed its way into the mans heart. The prince was too young. Too young to be so sad.

"My name is Merek. I am the leader of the rebels. I was a metalsmith, I made weapons for your father's-"

"He's not my father." Florian interrupted. Merek paused, then continued.

"I made weapons for the king's army. As did my father, and his father, and his father before him. We were happy. I had two younger brothers. They wanted to be soldiers in the royal army. And they made it too. A captain and a general. One day the king ordered them to raid a village in smaller nearby kingdom. No one was to be spared. Women and children were to die along with the men. But my brothers couldn't do that. They were not killers. They were not about to take innocent lives. They defied the king's orders and they were punished. My brothers were dragged back to the castle in chains. That was the last time I ever saw them." Florian looked up at Merek, he could see the agony in his eyes. As if all this had happened just yesterday.

"I'm sorry." he whispered.

"My mother died of grief, my father died trying to avenge them. I was left all alone. Eventually I ended up here. In the midst of people who have felt great pain at the hands of the king." Merek, looked at Florian.

"I have told you my story. Now tell me yours."

"I'm going to the forest."

"The forest?"

"There's a forest just outside of Tarion."

"Yes I know that, but why are you going there.?"

"I betrayed a friend. I'm going back to set things right."

Astra was getting impatient. It had been weeks and the human king had not stirred. Astra didn't know what was happening. She hated not knowing. Th defences were in place but Astra wasn't reassured. Every minute that passed was another minute for the king to plan his attack. Waiting was much harder than she anticipated. She left the meadow and went back to her cave. Astra brushed her hands over the carvings. The unicorn had said they would guide her. But they had done nothing but serve as a reminder of a bitter past. For the millionth time Astra felt that familiar pang of loneliness. She was the last fairy. There was no one else. Of course the other creatures were wonderful but they didn't understand her in the way she needed them to. She needed someone to help her figure out flying manoeuvres and magic. Someone who knew what she was going through and could help her. She'd grown up alone. Knowing that her people were gone. But it never got any easier. Astra walked up the carving of the fairies fighting the humans. A war had wiped out her people. Now a new one threatened to wipe out her home. And this time she didn't have anyone to guard her back. No other fairy. Astra took a deep breath. I can do this. She wasn't going to lose her home. A plan formed in her mind. Dangerous. But if it could save her forest and her friends. She would carry it through.

Hi, sorry for the boring chapter, but it will get better! Thanks for reading and remember to vote, comment and share!

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