Chapter 7

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Hi guys, I am so sorry for updating late. So many tests. This chapter is a filler, but I hope you like it.

Astra was seated on a sturdy tree branch, looking at the castle that was shining on the horizon. Something was going to happen. She could feel it in the air. As if the whole forest was holding its breath. Florian was still asleep. His princely habit of sleeping late wasn't easy to shake off. The fairy had thought about flying over the humans, safe in clouds but she didn't think it was worth the risk. She could watch them just as well from here. If anything approached her forest she would know about it.

"Fairy?" Astra turned and saw the little pixie she had saved from the king. She smiled,

"Hello, it's nice to see you again. What can I do for you?"

"We know that the humans are planning to attack us. And we are so thankful for you defending us. But we want to help. Pixies are small so we were hiding in the bushes near the human kingdom."

"What?!" Astra gasped "You flew to the human kingdom?"

"Not exactly we didn't cross into their borders but as we neared the main road entering their road we saw hundreds of men approaching."

"What did they look like?"

"We couldn't see their faces, they were all clad in metal." Armour, Astra thought. That would mean they were soldiers. Soldiers with weapons. She needed to talk to Florian to confirm her suspicions.

"Thank you for your help, I don't think I know your name. Will you tell me?"

"Of course fairy, the forest trusts you, my name is Audrey." Astra nodded thanking Audrey one last time before flying off to find Florian.

When Astra arrived at the meadow Florian was already awake.

"Hi, I was going to go looking for you." he greeted. Astra didn't waste any time,

"Pixies saw an army marching toward your kingdom." the words came tumbling out of her mouth. Fear, concern and confusions showing on her face. Florian immediately lost his playful tone,

"They saw?"

"They flew towards your kingdom close enough to observe the borders but not enough to cross them." He nodded. Florian started pacing. Were these soldiers here to save his kingdom? Or to destroy it? He'd learned about the civil war in his country only recently. He's never cared before, locked up in the castle there was never a need to think of the people outside the palace walls. Had the neighbouring kingdoms learned of their problem? Were they here when they knew Tarrion was weak? Florian groaned in frustration.

"I don't know anything!" he shouted at the wind. Astra opened her mouth to reply but Florian kept going,

"I've been so stupid and blind. I spent all my time in my castle and I don't know anything about my kingdom! What is wrong with me!" he looked at the fairy, agony shone in his eyes as he pleaded with her,

"What is wrong with me?" Gently, Astra put her arms around him.

"There's nothing wrong with you Florian. None of us know everything. You made those mistakes in your past, but now you can save your future." After a few deep breaths, Florian calmed down. Focused. He had a goal. He could save his future. He wouldn't let his father destroy this forest. He wouldn't let him kill these innocent creatures. He wouldn't let them hurt Astra.

"We have to prepare defences."


"I don't know exactly why that army is here. But they could be here to help my father. Help my father to bring the forest to the ground. And we have to be ready for him." Worry lines appeared on Astra's forehead. She didn't want to fight. She wanted to avoid this. But she wasn't about to let her cowardice cost the life of the forest. Taking a deep breath she said,

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