Chapter 24

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 Astra parried, rolled, ducked, slashed and stabbed. But guards seemed to appear faster than she could cut them down. Turns out the king had summoned more guards and they were pouring in. Now roughly 80 guards had gathered in the throne room, weapons all trained on the single fairy in the centre. Astra had been fighting and fighting but she couldn't keep this up forever. She ducked, dodging an arrow, and stabbed outward with her sword. So far she had refrained from using magic. It tired her out faster. Fairies had better stamina than the average human. But that didn't mean they were invincible. She wanted to fly up and swoop down on her enemy, but she knew that somewhere they had an iron net ready if tried anything. Metal clanged on metal, a symphony of dancing blades was the only thing Astra could hear. She kept fighting. Guards fell, and scarlet blood coated the marble floor soaking the plush carpet.

"Surround her!" the king's voice shouted. Immediately the guards pulled back and formed a ring. A ring of heavily armed men. Swords bristled like hedgehog spikes over a wall of iron shields. There was no way Astra would be able to land another blow on anyone behind that wall. Slowly, the guards came closer and closer. Astra held her arms out, as if that would stop the onslaught of iron coming her way. She turned. The king was only a few metres inside the wall. He didn't look like he was armed. If I fly over, I can end him before he ends me. Astra knew the risks. They could very well shoot her down if she didn't get there fast enough. Or maybe the king was carrying a secret weapon and just waiting for her to get close to him. So many things could go wrong. But what choice did she have?. Crouching slightly she tensed her muscles. She was going to do it. She was going to kill him. She was just about to launch herself in the air when suddenly a guard holding up the iron shield wall, stiffened. He fell forward. A dagger sticking out from his back. Behind him was another guard, who bent down and pulled the dagger out. Blood gushed out of the wound like a fountain. Confusion froze time. The guards stared, did someone just betray them? Astra faced the guard who had helped her. He lifted his head. Green eyes sparkling. Florian.

The doors of the throne room burst open and in poured men and women, dressed in makeshift armour, some armed with swords and knives, some armed with gardening tools. They charged forward, cutting down the nearest guards. The sound of men falling to the ground seemed to wake the guards and Astra from their stupor. The king's army forgot all about the fairy and turned their attention to the new threat. Florian rushed forward to meet Astra.

"What in the name of the stars are you doing here?!" she shouted,

"I told you to leave!" Florian grinned,

"If I had left as you had told me to, you'd probably be dead. Besides I have a bone to pick with these guards. And Merek and the rebels," Florian gestured to the commoners fighting the guards, "were more than happy to kill the people who had broken their lives." Astra stared,

"Are you crazy?! You could've died!" Florian opened his mouth to answer, but a guard ran towards him sword outstretched. The prince deflected the first blow and shouted,

"Why don't we argue later?" The fairy slashed at another guard,


With the help of Tarion's rebels the remainder of the guards didn't stand a chance. Despite their training, nothing could save them against the anger of the villagers. Once Merek and his men were done in the throne room, they charged back down the halls, laying waste to the palace guards. Florian and Astra were left in the throne room. Neither of them had noticed that the king had managed to slip away during the fight. Florian, his face streaked with sweat and blood turned to Astra,

"Are you alright?" Astra was panting but being a fairy, she felt fine. She nodded in response. Her eyes fell upon Florian's arm, a red line painted on it. Astra reached out,

"Florian, your arm..." The prince looked down and lifted his arm up, the wound was shallow but long.

"It's nothing." But Astra wasn't about to let Florian get away with it. She laid her hand on the wound and spoke a spell. Immediately, the pain vanished, then the blood, then the gash knitted itself back together. It was the first spell Astra had used since the battle. Florian smiled,

"Thanks." Astra was about to reply when she realised the were alone. Alone with no king. Anger transformed her face,

"Where is he?" she ground. Florian understood, he turned and walked over to looked behind pillars. Cursing to himself he answered,

"He escaped."

"Where could he have gone?" Astra asked. They were still in the throne room. The king couldn't have left through the main doors, so there must've been a secret opening somewhere that let him slip out unnoticed.

"Even though I lived here, I don't think I've ever heard of a secret door in the throne room." A dip appeared between Florian's eyebrows as he stopped to think. Astra didn't want to wait and think. She wanted to find the king now. She wanted her revenge now. She wanted the king's head severed from his body. Pacing, she placed her hand on the wall and walked around the room. If there was a secret door, she was going to find it. Just to the right of the throne, Astra's fingers caught on a slightly lifted board of wood.

"Florian!" The prince rushed over,

"What?" Astra didn't say anything. She let her fingers guide her to the corners of the door. And carefully she pulled. The door didn't open. She pushed the door didn't open that way either. Astra threw a spell at it but it still wouldn't budge.

"I don't understand. This has to be the way. Why won't it open?" Florian stepped forward to examine it. He crouched low and saw a little circular dent in the wood. Astra ran her fingers over it.

"It's indented, the inside is carved with dragons." Florian's eyes brightened with understanding. He started searching his pockets. The fairy watched him, confused.

"Got it!" From his breast pocket Florian pulled out a small gold ring. Bringing it up to the light he explained,

"The dragons are the royal insignia. Every person int he royal family gets a ring like this. See?" he twisted the ring so it caught the light.

"The king must've used it as a key of sorts, so that only people of the royal family could use it."  Astra inserted the ring into the little opening in the door. It fit perfectly. Astra took a deep breath. This had to work. Laying her palms flat on the door she pushed. A little too hard. Astra fell forward as the door gave way. She held her arms out waiting for the impact. But Florian grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

"Thanks." The two forged forward. The walls and floor were made of stone, torches lining the pathway. Casting shadows that seemed to hover over them. Waiting for the chance to pull them into the darkness. Florian slipped his hand into Astra's. Weaving their fingers together. She didn't pull away. They walked, cautious. And found themselves at another door. Wooden. The prince and the fairy glanced at each other. This could be it. This could be the end. If things went badly, this might be the last time they stood side by side. Florian reached out, easing the door open. Astra's heart thundered in her ears as she held her breath. A sliver of light opened into a room. A simple room. A training room. With the king standing at the centre. A sword in each hand.

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