Chapter 26

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Hi guys, sorry I didn't update last week. So you get two chapters today. I hope you like them.

 Astra struggled to keep hold of Azazel. They plummeted toward the ground.

"Stop!" Azazel shouted. Astra didn't answer. The ground got closer and closer. Azazel didn't stop trying to save himself. But it was too late. Astra and the king hit the ground.

Astra felt her ribs breaking, her head bleeding. She looked to the side and saw glassy, lifeless eyes staring back at her. He's gone. Astra let out a breath in relief. She relaxed. Her home and her family would be safe. Florian would be safe. Florian. Astra remembered her promise to come back. Looks like it was going to be the first promise she broke. I'm sorry Florian. I tried.

The fairy turned up her head. From the corner of her eye she could see the sun rising. Its bright rays chasing away the darkness. Astra breathed out and closed her eyes.

"Florian. Florian wake up." Ricardo had been at the prince's bedside for days. Della was inconsolable. A maid had stumbled on the throne room and seen the bodies of the dead guards. She'd woken up the whole castle. Ricardo had rushed out of bed to find the throne room slick with blood. Following the trails of scarlet Ricardo had found an unconscious Florian lying alone in the training room. It had been hours and Florian still hadn't woken up. The healers had cleaned and bandaged his wounds. They'd declared that there was no permanent damage. But it was hard to believe since Florian was as pale as a ghost and his pulse was weak. Ricardo waited. If Florian didn't wake up, Ricardo would have failed Della. He had promised to save her son and now look at him. Half dead lying in a stretcher. The king's body had been found. His head had been cracked open, arms and legs bent at awkward angles. The rebels, led by Merek had thrown him in a nearby river. Ricardo looked down at Florian, a young boy forced to endure so much pain. How broken would he be when he woke up?

It was dark when the prince opened his eyes. Pinpricks of light decorated the night sky. Stars. Astra. The king. Memories came flooding back to Florian and he sat up. Only to groan at the sudden burst of pain...everywhere. He looked down at his battered body. Noting the casts on his arms and legs, the bandages across his chest. He looked around the room and found Ricardo sitting in a shadowed corner. Florian opened his mouth,

"Ricardo?" the words were hoarse but they were enough. The captain's blue eyes opened, widening in shock a he took in the prince.

"Florian?" Ricardo rushed over,

"Do you need anything? How are you feeling?" Florian grinned weakly,

"Water would be nice." Ricardo handed Florian a glass. The prince smiled in gratitude.

"What happened?"

"We found you unconscious Florian. You had multiple wounds all over your body. You've been out for hours."

"What happened to the king?" A look of sympathy crossed Ricardo's face,

"He's dead." Florian nodded slowly. He had hated his father. Despised him. And yet, Florian still felt sadness and pain when he realised that his father was gone. Astra had been right. It didn't matter how much Florian hated the king. In the end it was the king who had raised him to be the man he was today. And now, Florian would never have a father again. The prince breathed in, collecting his thoughts.

"What about Astra?"

"Astra?" Florian corrected himself,

"The fairy. She was with the king. Is she alright?" Ricardo opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Florian looked at him expectantly.

Change of HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora