Chapter 6

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The sun shone brightly over the kingdom of Tarion, reflecting the king's mood. Today the soldiers from the neighbouring kingdom of Donovra would arrive. The king gazed out the window. He could see the army of Donovra marching towards the castle. The symbol of their kingdom held high by the flag bearer. He looked further, spying the magical forest near the horizon. Soon he would have enough men to destroy it once and for all. He'd capture all the inhabitants and make them watch as he burned their precious forest to the ground. It was no less that what those vile creatures deserved. Now he just had to make sure the soldiers of Donor obeyed his each and every command. The king pondered over this problem. They were not citizens of Tarion, had they been men from his own army he would've whipped them until they understood how to follow orders. But these were foreign people. If he wanted to keep the trust of Donovra he would have to step carefully. Perhaps he'd have a word with the general. The king put his crown on his head and strode out of his room.

Queen Della sat at her vanity table, completing the final touches to her look. Today the army from her homeland would come to support her husband. She had chosen to wear an elegant dark green velvet gown with golden embroidery (the colours of the kingdom of Tarion) paired with pearl jewellery. Her golden hair coiffed and curled, successfully hiding the gray streaks. Atop her head sat a beautiful golden crown, inlaid with emeralds. Satisfied with her appearance she rose and exited her chamber. Linking arms with the impatient king outside.

"Took you long enough," he spat.

"Remember you are only present for appearance sake. Smile but be silent. Do not say a word. Understand?" The queen nodded meekly as they made their way to the throne room.

The throne room was testimony to the great people that had built and designed it. Plush carpets embroidered with great detail covered the floors. Majestic white marble walls soared to meet the high vaulted ceiling above. Crystal chandeliers reflected the sun light. But the thrones themselves were the true treasures. Both, make of gold, framed with precious stones. Green cushions embroidered with the kingdoms coat of arms were attached to the back to provide comfort. Elaborately carved armrests on either side. The king and queen of Tarion took their rightful places and waited to greet their guests. A few minutes later, the oak doors opened and in marched the army of Donovra. Roughly three hundred men, all clad in shining armour. Complete with shields on their arms, swords by their sides and helmets on their heads. They marched as one to the foot of the king and queen and knelt. Heads bowed in respect. The soldier at the front leading the charge, the general, spoke.

"My lord and lady, my men and I have been humbly sent by our great king Delon. As he wishes to aid his cousin the princess Della of Donovra and her husband the king of Tarion."

Thank you general." the king replied with false gratitude in his voice.

"Please rise." the army stood. The king dismissed the army, keeping only the general in his presence.

"General, please take off your helmet so we may speak face to face." The soldier lifted his helmet off his head and Queen Della sucked in a breath. As she took in the man's features. Wavy auburn hair up to his chin. Bright blue eyes and a smile that radiated mischief. A smile that was directed at her.

"Ricardo." she breathed.

"Greetings princess." he said. And for the first in many years Queen Della smiled a smiled of true happiness. Because after 17 years, Ricardo was standing in from of her. Ricardo, her childhood love.

Della drank in every detail on Ricardo's face. The years apart hadn't seemed to affect him. The crinkles by his eyes may have become more prominent, but other than that he seemed to be the same boy she fell in love with all those years ago.

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