Chapter 23

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"What are you talking about?" Florian asked. He didn't think he heard correctly, Astra wanted to protect him? Last he checked she wanted to kill him. Astra faced him, sincerity in her silver eyes,

"I can't see you get hurt Florian, it's my fault that the king tortured you. If I had just listened to you. I can't let that happen again." Hesitantly, Florian laced his fingers with the fairy's. She didn't pull away.

"Astra, what happened to me wasn't your fault. Please, please, don't think like that. I made the decision to hurt you. That was all me. You can beat me, yell at me, slap me. But please, don't send me away. You need my help and I, I need you." Florian pleaded with her. But Astra's mind was made. No one was going to get hurt.

"No Florian, go. Go back to the forest. Leave. I can handle this by myself." She tilted her chin up and pulled away from the prince. Florian wasn't fooled by Astra's show of bravery. He could see the fear swirling beneath her act. He also knew she was stubborn. And there was nothing he could say to change her mind. That didn't stop him from trying. He opened his mouth, determined to win this argument but Astra beat him to it.

"Florian you leave right now, or I'll march right into that castle and let the king capture me."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." Florian was stuck. Damn Astra for finding the chink in his armour. He didn't want to leave, but more than that he didn't want Astra to be thrown in an iron cage. He knew firsthand what the king was capable of. It was an impossible choice, but Florian already knew which option was better.

"Fine, I'll go. But you have to swear you won't get hurt, you have to swear that you'll come back."

"I swear on the stars that I'll do my best." The prince knew that was the best deal, reluctantly he walked away from Astra. Away from the castle.

Astra made sure Florian was out of sight before she continued to find the door in the castle's walls. She ran her hand across the worn stone, and stopped. Her fingers dipped as they traced the indent in the wall. Covered with moss. She slid her hand downward and pushed. With a quiet creak the little wooden door opened. Astra smiled. Silently, she crept into the castle. Looking around, checking for guards. The door opened into a courtyard covered with dead grass. The king. She needed to find the king. She knew little about castles. They didn't have them in the forest. But she knew enough to know that the king would have a throne. And the throne would be in the throne room. Astra looked down at her disguise. The dark cloak wouldn't be able to hide her anymore. She needed something better. She thought back to Florian's stories about his childhood. Maids. There were maids here. Maids that wore simple grey dresses. Waving her hand Astra changed her appearance again. Dull brown hair framed dull brown eyes. A simple grey dress covered her frame. Good enough. She stepped into the light and walked across the courtyard toward the oak door that hopefully led to the throne room. She tensed as she passed a guard but he ignored her. Picking up her pace. Astra hurried through the door and was greeted by the delicious smell of biscuits and stew and bread. The king. She needed to find the king. Tearing herself away from the intoxicating smell Astra walked down the corridors. The throne room, the throne room, the throne room. Where was it?

Hours had passed and Astra was beginning to regret not bringing Florian. She'd been wandering through the castle halls and still no sign of the king. The sun had started to sink below the horizon. Now what was she going to do? Astra was about to find a corner where she could spend the night when she spotted a long entourage of maids and servants dressed just like her holding steaming platters of food, hurrying through the castle. Astra followed. She was swept away in the current of people and found herself at the end of a long mahogany table. Golden cutlery decorated the surface and at the head of the table. The king. Astra ducked back into the shadows. She couldn't kill him in front of all these people. She had to wait until the king was alone. She stayed in the dark until the king stood to leave. Leaving platters of food untouched. Astra gritted her teeth, in the forest food would never have been wasted like this. Swallowing her urge to jump out right then and there she followed the king, through the maze of corridors. Finally the king reached his destination. The throne room. He walked toward his golden chair and sat. Astra had hid behind a pillar. The king sat. And he spoke.

"I know you're there." Astra's heart jumped in hear but she stayed quiet. The king spoke again.

"Get out from behind that pillar, I know you're there. Get out." Astra silently cursed. Mustering her courage she stepped out into the light. Her disguise still in place.

"I'm so sorry my lord."

"Who are you?" Astra dipped into a curtsey,

"I'm sorry my lord, I'm a new maid here."

"A new maid eh? Then why were you following me?"

"I was lost." The king was silent, his piercing gaze seemed to tear through Astra's disguise. The king waved his hand and from the darkness of the throne room, guards materialized. Carrying bows and swords. All pointing at her. Astra kept acting,

"My lord, I don't understand!" she cried. But the king's face held no remorse.

"I know its you. Fairy." he spat out the word like it was the worst curse of all. Astra knew there was no point denying anymore. Her spell melted away to reveal her wings. Her dark hair and silver eyes. Her sword. Her anger. Her hatred. The king just smirked,

"Did you think I would not be prepared? Do you take me for a fool? I am a king!" he shouted. The guards advanced each carrying a shield of iron. The king's smile was full of malice.

"No escape for you now fairy. No escape." Astra counted. One, two, three. Fifty guards in total all armed with iron. She only had one sword and iron was more or less resistant to fairy magic. Astra knew this was a fight she couldn't win. But she wasn't about to let her sacrifice be in vain. I just need to kill the king. I just need to get past these guards. I need to kill the king. Without the king. Her family would be safe. Astra's eyes hardened with determination. Kill the king.

Her heart pounded in her ears. Blocking out all noise. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. She pulled her sword out of its scabbard, relishing in the familiar feel of its simple leather grip in her hand. She sneered at the guards. She wasn't going to be defeated by a bunch of humans. She summoned her own shield. A wall of energy encircled her arm. Astra took a deep breath and the first guard struck. Time slowed as Astra watched the guard extend his sword, aiming at her stomach. Easily she sidestepped. Caught the blade of the guard's sword on her own and with a flourish of her arm sent it clattering to the ground. Stunned, the guard didn't have time to defend himself before Astra twisted and brought the hilt of her sword down on his skull. The crack echoed through the throne room. One down, forty nine more to go. Astra faced the remaining guards,

"Who's next?"

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