Chapter 4

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As the sun rose in the east, the forest was peaceful. While the royal family of Tarion, was not.

"What do you mean his missing!?" the king bellowed. Queen Della frantically tried to calm her husband, but to no avail. Her hands were shaking like doves caught in a sudden storm. The king had returned that morning after he visited the captured rebels, only to find his son, who was supposed to be under house arrest gone. Vanished. Not one of the servants in the castle knew where he went. He had been missing for little more than a week they reported. Currently, the king and the queen stood in the prince's chambers. The furious king, dismissed his staff and locked the heavy maple doors. Seething, he focused on the trembling queen,

"How could you let this happen?" his whispered.

"I-I am s-so sorry, m-my lord." the queen stuttered in fear.

"Did I not tell you to keep an eye on him?" The queen stayed silent.

"Did I not tell you to not let him out of the caste?" the king's voice slowly rose in volume.

"DID I NOT TELL YOU TO STOP HIM FROM LEAVING!" the king roared. Lifting his hand he slapped his queen. Pain exploded on the right side of queen Della's face. She cowered in the corner of her son's room. The king kept coming. Striding towards her like some sort of grotesque monster he raised his fist and punched in the face, stomach, shoulder, arm. Pulling his leg, he kicked her abdomen, multiple. The sound of cracking ribs rang in the air. The king took a deep breath, and took a fist full of the queen's golden hair, bringing her face level to his. A feeling of accomplishment filled him as he took in the queen's battered face. Tears streaming from her bruised eyes down to her split lip that dripped blood. He smiled. A murderous, sadistic smile that would send a chill to any living creature.

"That'll teach you to not follow my orders you dirty whore." and with another gruesome grin, the king let go of the queen and left the room like nothing had happened.

Silent sobs racked the queen's body. She was used to this though. This marriage was one without love. Once, when she first came to this kingdom she had hoped that they would come to care for one another, if not love. But her hopes were quickly squashed. The king had been civil to her in front of other people. Yet in the darkness of the night he had insulted her and mocked her. Over time the verbal abuse escalated into physical abuse. Nevertheless, the queen never complained or ever said a word. She stayed the respectful, meek, obedient wife she was taught to be. Nothing would ever change, she knew that. Queen Della's family, from the neighbouring kingdom, had arranged this marriage in exchange for power. Now her parents had died and her cousin (that she had never met) was on the throne. No one could help her. Ignoring the ache that spread throughout her body, Queen Della sat up, and pulled from her bodice her most precious possession. A small old drawing. A small smile graced Queen Della's face, smiling back at her was the face of her childhood love. His windswept auburn hair, sky blue eyes and roguish smile. He had been an apprentice to the royal cobbler. She had known him since they were children, and had planned to run away together. But then her parents had promised her to the prince of the adjacent kingdom. Bound by duty, she had bid a tearful farewell to her first love. Thinking they might meet again. But that was not to be.

Florian opened up, a little more everyday. Though he still didn't talk to the other creatures the magical forest, Florian learned to converse more freely with the fairy. And the fairy learned to trust Florian. In return she let him out of the meadow and let him see the forest. In the course of the next few weeks Florian learned that the fairy was strong. Stronger than the average human. She was able to carry boulders and heavy objects without breaking a sweat. The fairy was fast. Her wings letting her travel at immense speeds. Once she even asked if he wanted to experience flight. She would carry him, she insisted it wouldn't be a problem, however Florian was secretly afraid of heights and refused. But her strength and speed wasn't what fascinated him, it was her kindness. The fairy was kind. Going out of her way to help others in need. Sending spontaneous compliments. And really listening to what he had to say. She wouldn't just pretend to care. She would stop and focus on him. Florian had never met someone who had cared so much. Someone who simply but purely cared. She possessed so much power. And yet she had decided to use it only to the benefit of others. Never to harm, only to help.

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