Chapter 25

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Astra wanted to give up. She wanted to lie down and never wake up. Why couldn't she just have a perfect life? No, why couldn't she be perfect? If she was perfect she would've been able to handle everything. But she couldn't. Why? Why wasn't she perfect? Why couldn't she save the world with a snap of her fingers? Why was she so pathetic? Astra was so tempted to throw down her sword and surrender. The only thing stopping her was Florian. Florian, determined and strong. Florian, who, right now, was the only thing keeping her together.

"Give up." the king ordered. I want to. Astra thought.

"Never." Florian replied. The king regarded his son coldly,

"Florian. I'm your father. I own you."

"You don't own me! And you're not my father! You are nothing to me!" Florian's voice shook with repressed emotion. The king laughed,

"Nothing? I made you, I created you, I made you who you are. And I can break you." With a shout Florian charged, sword raised. He swung, aiming to separate the king's head from his body. The blade was a millimetre away from the king's neck when he moved. The king ducked and spun away from Florian with inhumane speed. The prince stunned, turned to see the king metres away from him.

"How...?" The king didn't answer. Instead he raised his own weapons and struck. Florian barely had time to block the blow. Shock made him slow. The king slashed upward and Florian jumped back, stumbling and falling. A line of red on his chest. The king scoffed,

"Pathetic. Perhaps you're right. If you were my son you wouldn't have lost so easily." Florian growled and got up. He took a step forward and winced. But he didn't stop. An amused look stretched across the king's face. The prince stabbed forward, the king sidestepped. Florian slashed downward the king blocked. Florian punched and the king caught his fist. And twisted. Astra would never forget Florian's scream. It was pure agony. Florian dropped his sword and cradled his other arm. The king didn't stop there. His twin swords danced, flashing like lightning. Florian was defenceless. He fell and he didn't get up. The king raised his swords, pointed at Florian's heart. And brought them down. But they only met air. Surprised the king spun around and saw Florian next to Astra. She'd levitated him over. She knelt over him, her wings extended around him like she could hide him from the world. Astra was frantically trying to feel his wounds but magic could only take him so far.

"You can't save him. Because you'll be dead too."

Astra blocked the king's swords on her own and swept her wing under his feet hoping to knock him down. The king jumped back and swung downward but Astra pulled her wing back before he could hack it off. She shielded Florian with a spell and advanced. The king laughed mockingly,

"Little girl, you have no idea who you're dealing with." Astra knew there was no way she could beat him in a physical fight. Magic was the only answer. She lifted her sword and threw it. Her weapon flew end over end like a falling star only to be knocked aside. But it provided the distraction she needed. The king turned momentarily to watch Astra's sword clatter on the ground. And in that moment Astra struck. Her spell flew straight and true and should've killed him. Instead Astra watched as the impossible happened. Somehow the king saw it coming in the nick of time, and brought his arms together and stopped the spell. Astra's mouth fell open.

" did you? My're human. How did you?" The king looked up and for a second his eyes gleamed, fairy silver.

"I am Azazel."

"You're...Azazel? That's impossible, the traitor died."

"Died? I could never die. I was and still am the greatest fairy who ever lived!"

"Prove it, prove you're Azazel."

"I don't have to, I can see you believe me. I am Azazel, the greatest fairy who ever lived."

"No, because of you my people died." The king, no, Azazel's face twisted in fury,

"Your people? They were my people too! And they betrayed me!"

"They didn't betray you! You betrayed them! You killed them!" Azazel's voice was full of passion and anguish,

"Betrayed them? No, I wanted to make us better. Stronger. With me as their leader we could've dominated the world! We wouldn't have to be confined to that stupid forest you call home. We could've gone anywhere we wanted to go, whenever we wanted to go." Astra was pleading,

"But we didn't want that. We were happy in the forest. Why did you have to bring the humans?" Azazel looked down,

"It was the only way. I had to convince them that if we didn't attack the world would. It was the only way." Astra watched the desire and certainty on Azazel's face. And despite all the hate and anger that rose in waves from her heart. She also felt pity. She could see that for all of Azazel's bravado he wasn't truly happy. The creatures of the forest never needed any ruler because they were content with what they had. They realised that there was more to life than power and wealth. They were able to live happily, simply. Azazel couldn't do that. He was trapped by his own greed and resentment. A cage he built around himself. His voice dropped to a whisper,

"I didn't want them die. We were supposed to win. We were supposed to live."

"It's too late, they died by your hand." Azazel stared at her. For a second Astra thought she could reason with him. Thought she could change him.

"You're right I killed them. Now, I will kill you." Azazel charged. Astra's eyes widened in shock and twisted away at the last second.

"Please you don't have to do this." Azazel bared his teeth, and in that moment he didn't look like a human or a fairy, he looked like a monster.

"Yes, I do." Growling he circled her, a predator stalking its prey. Astra looked around, Florian was still on the floor, she had to keep Azazel's attention. She had to get him away from Florian. He could block her spells. Despair clouded Astra's mind. Of all the lies Azazel had told, there was a ring of truth. He was a powerful fairy. Even without his wings. His wings. An idea formed in Astra's mind. She turned around and ran out of the room. Azazel's shouts followed,

"Coward, come back and fight!" Astra didn't look back, she raced through the castle. I need to get to the top. Finally she spotted a flight of stairs. Without thinking she ran up them, praying the whole way that Azazel was following. The stairs went on forever and ever. When Astra reached the top she found it led to a small circular roof, high above the ground, the highest point in the castle. The fairy looked down, the trees looked like little pinpricks of green. From up here she could even see the forest. She could hear the thundering steps of Azazel coming up the stairs. Catching her breath she positioned herself at the edge of the roof. She only had one chance. If she messed this up. She would die. Azazel reached the top,

"Dead end little fairy. There is no use in running." Astra was silent. Azazel walked leisurely toward her, confident that he had won this battle. But he made a mistake, Astra knew never to make. Underestimating your opponent. Azazel was a step away when Astra lunged. Wrapping her arms around his waist, pinning his arms to his side, Astra jumped off the tower. Azazel roared in surprise and rage. He tried to raise his arms but Astra had them immobilised. Azazel struggled against her hold. Astra gladly obeyed. She let go. Azazel dropped, then stopped. Astra lurched at the sudden weight, Azazel had grabbed onto her ankles. Astra panicked this wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to hang on, he was supposed to fall. Frantically, Astra shook her legs but Azazel had an iron grip. She threw spells but they had no effect. A savage grin lit up Azazel's face,

"You can't win." Astra realised that there was only one thing she could do. I have to win. Folding up her wings, Astra fell toward the ground.

The wind blew in her face, her dark hair streaming behind her. Astra was dimly aware of Azazel's yells of fear. This is the only way. If the price of saving her family and her home was her life, Astra would gladly give it up.

Hi my readers, thanks for reading. Please give me some suggestions on how you want this story to end. I'd love to hear what you think. Remember to comment, vote and share! Thank you!

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