All Contracts Terminated

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I felt like my face was frozen into a disbelieving expression, "So let me get this straight. You want to listen to the cassette of Lorraine's murder? Lydia's grandmother?"

"Yeah, the tape of it, why?"

I scoffed, "Don't you think that's -  I don't know - an invasion of privacy? A pretty major invasion of Lydia's privacy?"

"June, this woman made a coded list of people who were murdered, including herself, and you're worried about privacy?"

"I'm worried about Lydia," I argued back. "It's her grandmother, I feel like she'll want to burn it or something."

"Well, we can give it to her when we're done with it," Stiles reasoned, "But for now, we just need to figure out how to stop the dead pool, and this could be a really big clue."

My eyes flickered between the tape in his hand and his face. After several seconds of deliberation, I relented, "Fine. But we're giving it back to her immediately after we're done with it."

"Works for me," Stiles pulled out and drove back over to his house. After pulling up to his driveway, he ran around the front of the jeep and over to my side, helping me out of the car before going back to fetch the cassette player I left on the dash.

"Why are you helping me out of the jeep? I already took a healing potion."

"I just don't want your leg to be in any worse shape than it already is."

I paused, "Well, thanks."

"Sure," He shrugged before closing the door and taking my hand before pulling me along into the house. Once inside, we strode by the mirror hanging in the hallway when I froze. My eyes widened as I stared at the girl looking back at me from the reflection.

She looked slightly worse for wear, and that was putting it lightly. Eyes slightly crazed and broken, surrounding them were two different shades of purple that must have been blackened earlier before I took the potion. There was even a scrape above my left eyebrow that I didn't know was there. Several other cuts decorated my face, the most prominent being the one sitting on my lip. My eyes started to water staring at the evidence of last night.

"It's really not that bad," Stiles comforted, "You know, I think it has something to do with the afternoon light coming through slightly dirty windows..."

"You're a terrible liar, Stiles," I sniffled, before smiling, "But thank you anyway."

He leaned forward and kissed my hairline before murmuring, "You're still beautiful, June. Forever and always." I looked away from the mirror and up at him before kissing him on the corner of his mouth.

"Does the - um - are we sure that the cassette player works?" I asked while wiping my tears. Stiles took that as his cue to keep moving into his bedroom, before walking over to his desk. Plugging it in, he pulled out the tape from his pocket before walking to another area of his room and bringing back a chair for me to sit down in. He sat next to me and fiddled with the player, inserting the tape and pressing play. We both perked our ears to listen.

I had to listen to it about three times. The first time, all I could think of was Lydia, trapped in Eichen being forced to listen to this awful tape, and my concentration was a little skewed at that point. The second time I had to understand what was even going on, and Stiles had to keep pausing to explain what they had already concluded from last night.

"Let's go Lorraine," The third time I sat in the chair with rapt attention, hanging on to every word, hoping for a clue.

"Listen to me. Please, listen. There's something I have to do, something I have to stop."

Season Of The Witch (Stiles Stilinski)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें