Not The Worst Party

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I mean, there were worse trips to go on. I could have been stranded in a snowstorm in some remote location in Canada, I could have been stuck in vacation house on some tropical island during a hurricane. Instead, I was in the middle of the Mexican desert with Stiles and Lydia. We were walking around waiting for night to fall, waiting for our plan to commence.

"You sure you guys don't want a bite?" I tried again, munching on the delicious elote I got from a street cart a few paces back. I seemed to be the most calm out of the three of us, despite how we were all pretty sure we were walking into a death trap. Stiles wrinkled his nose at me.

"We're good, June, thanks. You know what could you possibly pay more attention to what we're doing, actually?"

I stopped mid-chew and looked at him. Swallowing, I said, "I am paying attention. We're waiting for nightfall, and if you haven't noticed, it's the middle of the day."

"I noticed, thank you," Stiles bit back, wiping sweat off his brow. I raised an eyebrow at my two friends.

"You shouldn't have worn a jacket if you're so hot, Stiles. We're in the middle of the desert,"

"Noticed that too," He said sarcastically. "I don't get it, why are you so comfortable?"

I thought for a moment, "Probably because I dressed for the weather."

"I'm not sure what you dressed for," Lydia commented, and my gaze turned to her.

"I dressed for a party, Lydia, not for school like you two clearly did." I took another bite of my elote.

"You didn't dress for a party, I've seen you at parties, June. You're dressed like you're going to Coachella. And the flower crown, seriously?"

I swallowed, "Alright, I'm just going to chalk up your attitude to early onset heatstroke

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I swallowed, "Alright, I'm just going to chalk up your attitude to early onset heatstroke. Let's get a move on, shall we?"

We walked around the town a bit more, Stiles and Lydia begrudgingly stopping whenever I saw a neat shop I wanted to stop into. The locals were incredibly nice, and even gave us some tips about good food. Stiles and Lydia didn't seem all that interested, but having been crammed in a jeep for twelve plus hours worked up a serious appetite on my end.

"Where did you say you learned Spanish, again?"

"I picked it up on weekends with some of buddies from the Bronx that were also in my coven," I replied, nearly inhaling my first of two tamales.

"Aren't you worried about food poisoning?" Stiles asked as I munched on my second tamale.

I shook my head, "Nope. I have an immune system comprised of steel, I haven't had a food-borne illness since I was a toddler."

"Is that like a witch thing, or something?" Lydia asked me.

"Kind of. It's just that sometimes people in my coven didn't exactly put away their potion ingredients, and naturally as a curious toddler, I'd get into them. Let me tell you, there are some weird things that I have ingested-"

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