Bonfire Worthy of Guy Fawkes

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It had been about four days since that night at the hospital, and four days since I really talked to any of my friends. Well, save for Malia, who I was tutoring every night. We both were in that mindset to just throw ourselves into our schoolwork in between assassins rather than hearing our friends continually try and explain themselves.

I was keeping up with Lydia. Damn her, I could never seem to stay angry at her for very long. I think that that's due to the fact that she would never let me stay angry at her for more than what she deemed appropriate. Since we started talking again, she would help me steer clear of Stiles in the hallways and in classes we shared.

Scott, true to his word upon my request, kept me in the loop in regards to what was happening. He talked with Kira about how the plan didn't work but also did. Scott thinks that because the benefactor didn't show up means that they don't need to be present to determine if a body is actually dead, meaning only one thing: banshee.

Speaking of Kira, she left for Palo Alto with her father so she could keep an eye on her injured mother. She assured all of us she would be back to Beacon Hills to help as quickly as possible. Pulling me aside, she apologized profusely about the dead pool before giving me a large hug goodbye.

I wasn't the only one removed. Liam had withdrawn himself from all of us almost entirely. When I passed him in the hallways, he would always seem either skittish like something was chasing him or just plain traumatized. The little I heard from Lydia about him was that the fight with the berserkers scared him more than he would want to admit to any of us, Scott included. Poor Mason was even more at a loss as to what was going on with him than usual, but he stayed resiliently by his side. I had to admire his determination and loyalty, and wondered if we were ever going to let him in on what was actually going on in this town.

Lastly, I had indeed avoided Stiles almost like the plague. I screened his calls and his texts, but never blocked his number. It was hard for me to admit it, but I wasn't angry anymore. My heart was instead filled to the brim with hurt, and I wasn't ready to talk to him about it. In my sadness, I turned to Ginny, who was always ready to talk, mugs of ice cream in hand.

"Why won't you answer him?" Ginny inquired, setting down the second mug with her half-finished second helping. My phone had just flashed with another text message from Stiles, and I sighed.

"I mean, I'm not angry anymore, Ginny. I'm just upset, I guess," I set down the mug next to hers, and she leaned across the counter to me.

"Tell me what's on your mind, June. I can't read it, I can't get inside it like you apparently can." I had explained the whole situation with Scott in the hospital, and Stiles' theory about it being a pack thing. Ginny seemed to whole-heartedly agree, and moved that to our lead theory with my new ability.

I huffed, "I just got him, you know? I thought we were past all the secrets and were finally in a place to just be together. Now he goes and keeps a secret from me that could very potentially rip us apart if something were to happen to my parents. Not to mention that he did exactly what they did. Evelyn and Robert kept a huge secret from me by discussing my expulsion from the coven. And Stiles doing the same thing by keeping the lives of my parents away from me and in his control is just sending back all the same feelings over again. I feel like the only person I can turn to is you, Gin."

"Well if you're finally going to listen to me, I can tell you honestly that Stiles did not do that with malicious intent. Your parents did, and I think if you let Stiles explain himself, you'd understand where he was coming from."

"Did he make you say that in attempt to sway me?" I semi-joked, but froze when Ginny didn't reply. Looking up at her, I watched her shift uncomfortably, never meeting my gaze. "He did fucking not," I scoffed.

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