Who Knew Miguel Spoke Spanish?

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I heard the sound of sneakers squeaking against linoleum as Deaton finished bandaging up my first arm. He moved around to the second as Scott and Stiles ran into the doorway. Well more like Scott running into the doorway and Stiles vaulting over him before falling to the floor. I smiled a bit before hissing at the disinfectant that Deaton used to clean up my arm. Stiles raced over to me.

"June, are you okay?" He said, inspecting my bandaged arm before looking over at the arm Deaton was working on.

"Yeah I'm fine, the cuts aren't that deep," I assured him, "I'm just getting real tired of being thrown into glass cabinets around here. At least this one wasn't you, huh?" My joking smile faltered when I saw Stiles flinch. I awkwardly cleared my throat, "Too soon."

"I don't think he's just younger in body," Deaton transitioned, and I breathed a sigh of relief, "I think he's also younger in mind."

"He didn't recognized any of us," Lydia said quietly, "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind."

"Not to mention I don't think older Derek, as grouchy as he is, would throw me into a glass cabinet then try to attack Lydia and Deaton," I agreed, wincing as the vet taped the gauze tightly to my arm. I noticed the other one bled through slightly.

"So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" Stiles asked, looking at Scott.

"A wolf goes back to its den, but Derek lives in a loft."

"Not when he was a teenager," Stiles argued, and Lydia's eyes widened.

"The Hale house," She stated.

"He wouldn't remember the fire," Deaton said worriedly, "It wouldn't've happened yet."

"Quick question," I mentioned, "Say we do manage to catch up to him, what exactly are we going to say? That his whole family is dead? Because I for one think that might be a terrible idea."

"She's probably right," Stiles said over to Scott, "We probably shouldn't. At least until we figure out how to get him back to normal."

"I don't think I can lie to him," Scott said.

"Okay, then I'll do it," Stiles offered, not hesitating.

"Well I don't think any of us can. Remember he can hear a heart beat rising. We tell him the truth," Scott said with finality.

"If he gets to the house first, we might not have to," I muttered.

"Yeah well, we gotta get there before he does," Stiles agreed, gently helping me off the counter.

"Okay but not before we drop Lydia and I off," I said, and Stiles stopped.

"What, why?"

"Well, you might be fresh-faced and ready to party but I've literally been in these clothes for two days, I'm changing clothes."

"June, there's not a lot of time-"

"Look I get that Derek is a super fast werewolf, but he left barely twenty minutes ago. It's not exactly a short walk to the Hale house, we could still get to him by car quickly. He's delirious, and that could slow him down."


"Stiles for the love of god, let me change clothes!" I pouted, and he sighed. Eye twitching slightly, he put a hand on my back and ushered me out of the animal clinic. Over my shoulder, I waved to Deaton and thanked him for helping me with my arms.

We dropped Lydia off in record time, Stiles blazing through traffic like he was playing a game of Grand Theft Auto. I was genuinely surprised that nobody pulled us over. He was quick to get to my house, and I stood outside staring at it uncomfortably while Scott pulled over next to us.

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