40. Blowing off steam

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My back was pressed to the wall and I was downing my next to last drink of what was left of the vodka. My vision was already so distorted that I'm sure the moment I got up, I'd fall back down again.

"Agnes, it's Thamyris. Please open up, I know you're not asleep."

I didn't say anything. Instead I just took the last drink of my bottle and threw it against the wall. The glass shattered and I'm sure it echoed, but I didn't care. Maybe I could give myself alcohol poisoning and end this. I'm sure my liver wouldn't let me though, since it filtered everything through my body faster than normal people. That also meant I wouldn't stay as drunk for as long, and I'd have to piss every five minutes.

It was quiet for another few minutes before I heard footsteps on the stairs again. A heavier hand knocked on my door and I hid my face in my knees as I waited to hear them.

"Agnes, it's Marshall," he said through the door, "I can smell the alcohol."

"So what?" I mumbled.

"I'll give you more if you let me in."

I paused for a moment, weighing my options before standing up and wobbling over to the door. I opened it slightly, enough to see him standing there. He held up a bottle of whiskey and I opened the door a little more, letting him walk into the room. He seemed to observe the mess before chuckling quietly, turning around and handing me the bottle. I pulled the cork out and took a big drink, the liquor burning my throat as it went down. Instantly I burst into flames and giggled loudly, the feeling of the warmth inside me soothing in a way.

"How much did you drink?" He asked me as he rolled the couch back up onto its legs.

"About half the bottle," I handed the whiskey back over to him before my fire turned it into a weapon. He took it and downed a few gulps, shaking his head and letting out a quick sigh and a laugh.

"So this is how you solve your problems now, huh?" He laughed, "takin' after your old man over here."

"It's a pretty efficient way to drown your demons," I put out the fire as I took a seat beside him, "how's the zombie?"

"He's pretty worried about you, but he knows not to push it. Dev and Medusa are explaining things to him," he paused, "those two girls are pretty cute, I have to admit. Never seen a couple like them until now."

"Their abilities zero each other out," I told him, "it doesn't surprise me, they're happy, and that's just about all you can hope for in a world like this."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Marshall smiled, taking another drink before handing it off to me. "You've grown up a lot Agnes. Even if it's only been a year, you just seem a lot...steadier."

"I had to grow up a bit when I realized I was getting thrown into a war," I said evenly, "the only thing I have left in this world are the people I care about, and the determination to end this once and for all."

"You would've been a good soldier," Marshall teased, "but I'm glad you didn't get stuck with those cockbites like I did."

I took another drink, watching as Marshall snagged the remote from below the television. When he turned it on all I could see was news about more terror strikes and uprisings. If I didn't know any better I would've thought the world was ending. Still no word from the PASCI CEO, but I'm sure it'd come soon enough. When they get down to their last few facilities, he'll call for help.

And we'll do the same.

I perked up slightly, realizing the extent of what I just thought. We'd call for help, stir the nation, find out who was on our side and who wasn't. It was a grand idea, one I hoped I'd still remember when I was sober. My cheeks split into a smile and I took one more drink before handing the bottle back to him. He polished off the rest of it and we sat there for a while, just watching the havoc unfold on the screen. He cleared his throat suddenly though and I turned to look at him, finally noticing that he'd taken his coat back.

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